
Immortal Love

office/work place

My mother would always love to ask me about what kind of love I prefer the most. I'd always answer, immortal love. It's because I haven't tried falling in love and if ever I fell, I want to fall in love with the same person— over and over again.

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SIMULA ALECZA'S POV One thing I have learned from someone who inspired me is that life is like a river... It goes on and only you can choose where you'll be leading your fate. You can create your passway or you just go with the flow... My mother would always love to ask me about what kind of love I prefer the most. I'd always answer, immortal love. It's because I haven't tried falling in love and if ever I fell, I want to fall in love with the same person— over and over again. Colors and feelings can somehow complement each other. Red for revenge. Green for envy. Black for sorrow and darkness. White for purity and cleanliness. It's always like that. That's why you can always tell the true nature of someone if you can see their true color. — I roamed my eyes at the whole corner of the restaurant. I still don't know where is the table of the man I'll be meeting today. I am already aware that my mother has arranged this blind date for me. Men don't interest me that much. Because for them, girls are their kind of seasonings and flavors to please or satisfy themselves. I am only here to save a face from my mom. She will surely cut off my allowance if I disobey her this time. "Hello, young lady. Do you have any reservations?" asked the receptionist. I flashed a half smile and replied, "Siegfried Pantaleon, please." She immediately checked the list. After a while, she called another waitress to guide me. We walked to the other side of the dining hall. I instantly wondered why we were heading to the VIP room. "He's in the VIP room?" I mumbled to myself. Mommy told me that this man I was meeting was ordinary. How come he can afford a VIP room? We stopped at the third door. The waitress opened the door for me. I felt embarrassed when she realized that I was having a second thought. So I thanked her and went inside instead. There, the man is sitting on a chair while facing the other side of the room. When he heard my footsteps, he stood up and faced me to greet me politely. "Good evening, Miss Sierra," he greeted me in his formal tone. My brow shot up. I scanned him. He is wearing a full black Armani suit. He looks older than me. Now this is not just an ordinary man. Why would Mommy leave a bad impression on me about him saying that this man can't even afford an expensive restaurant? Is it her excuse to make me follow her easily since she knows this man can offend me effortlessly? "Good evening. I'm sorry! I went window shopping and forgot that I have a date today. Am I that late?" I tried making my voice sound cute and charming to hide my irritation. My eyes rolled heavenward. It's intended. I wandered around the mall to ditch him purposely but Mommy called me earlier just to tell me that I would be grounded if I ever tried to ditch this man. That explains why I am here right now. "Nope. It's okay. I'm used to it," he replied formally. I didn't mind him and secretly made a face. I am irritated already. He pulled a chair for me. I sat down. When he was also seated, I drew out my phone and took a picture of him. He was shocked as the camera flashed two times. He put his eyeglasses in place after recovering from being shocked. Good for me he's not bothered at all. I just hope he doesn't misunderstand me. The man in front of me is wearing a pair of eyeglasses. Is he trying to look smart or he's a geek for real? Mommy didn't tell me more about his background. He didn't tell me that he was a geek. He faked a cough. "Would you like us to order now?" "Yes, please." After we ordered, I couldn't wait to go home. I'd prefer to be alone in my room. "So…" He tried to start a conversation. "I heard that you are a computer science student from Western University." "So what?" I replied with a bored look. I saw his eyes glint in happiness. "I'm a computer science student too but in a different university." "That's nice." "Aren't you having a hard time understanding your lessons? I think I am a year ahead of you. If you need any help, you can… y-you can reach m-m-me out," he said while stuttering. He sounds harmless and I know he's just being kind. The edge of my lips twitched. But why would he have to stutter? Is he trying to make his move now? I showed him my bored look. Oh baby, don't think that you can hook up with me. Even if you are the most skilled hacker and game developer in the whole world, you can't make me fall. "Let me be straight with you, Mr. Pantaleon. I have no interest in you and I don't think this blind date will work out. We will never see each other again after this," I said while gritting my teeth. His lips parted. He looks shocked and kind of disappointed. "I can do better and excel on my own. Don't ever think that we will see each other again," I added. I kind of feel guilty after seeing his sad eyes. I just looked away and hid my guilty look. The waiter served the food and we ate silently. A moment later, my phone rang. It's my mom. I answered the call. "Sweetie, did you ditch him?" Mommy asked on the other line. I glanced at the man in front of me. Siegfried Pantaleon continued eating silently without minding me. The light coming from the candles highlighted his manly features. My eyes squint quickly as I scan him. He has an angular face. I think he will look different if he has no eyeglasses. "Alecza? Are you still there?" Mom got my attention. I licked my lips and lowered my voice then replied, "Mommy, we are eating right now." "Good! I'll double your allowance this month if you send me proof that you're with him right now." I immediately ended the call and sent the photo I'd saved earlier. The man in the photo looks awkward. I put down my phone and continued eating silently. But a moment later, it rang again. Siegfried threw a glance at my cell phone. I flashed an awkward smile at him and checked my phone again. I almost choked at my mom's message. "I want a close-up picture and of course, you should be included in the photo!" My goodness. Mommy can be such a headache sometimes yet I have no choice but to answer her whims. "Mr. Pantaleon," I called the name of the man in front of me bravely. He raised his head and gave me his curious expression. "Can I take a photo of us?" I asked in my doubtful tone. His brow shot up. "Us? Together?" I nodded my head. He didn't say anything. He became nervous when I stood up and went beside him. "One picture would do. That won't hurt your ego, will it?" I asked. "No! It's okay," he replied yet looking hesitant. I smiled at him. His ears turned red. I didn't mind it and just leaned closer to him. I angled the camera in front of us and leaned closer for us to fit together on the camera frame. I flashed a sweet smile before clicking the shutter.

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