Chapter 10: The Memories

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Tracy’s POV Lester: Very dangerous… human. It made sense as to why, when I struggled to look at his face, only to freeze in my place. He had a sinister smile with faint blood tainting his inner lips. “Tracy…” Yet he looked at me with adoration as I shook, watching the blood-smeared teeth. His touch was gentle, he caressed me lovingly, but those, almost invisible yet noticeable, bloodied teeth scared me out of my wits. He frowned but that was it! I pushed him off and tried to run… Far, far away. Mixed emotions emerged within my chest. A yearning, a longing to stay close to him, so strong that I didn’t want to accept it as what I saw just now couldn’t be ignored. “Tsk!” His bored voice made me hesitant. It didn’t seem like he would bother himself running after me. Nonetheless, I dashed blindly with an equally racing heart. ‘I want to get out of here!’ This one thought raced inside my head and the more I roamed the place, the heavier my heart became for some reason. At last, I reached the heavy wooden front door–as if calling me. Without wasting a second, I pushed it open and took a heavy breath while stumbling with the force I had just used. The pain in my lungs was real due to the running and I glanced over my shoulder, ensuring he wasn’t after me. Nothing! Not sure as to why, but I felt a pang of pain in my chest. I should have been relieved that Lester didn’t chase after me but here I was, getting upset for no reason. Biting my lips in frustration, I was ready to run again but I stood there petrified. How was it possible? I glanced back again–surely the distance from the room I was in a few minutes ago to this door was long; then how come… how come he managed? Reluctantly, with heavy breathing, I turned my head slowly, making sure to check correctly, but no! It was him, alright! I gasped, taking a deep breath as his face was unexpectedly close. My eyes didn’t waver and noticed how he smiled softly at my reaction. There was no doubt he was amused. This was only scaring me all the more. His eyes studied me, as always, making me appear like a guinea pig in some medical labs. While I stood there, not knowing what to do or what to say to him. Lester took a step closer, enough to touch his nose to mine. A shiver ran down my spine at how cold his skin was. “Are you scared…” As he spoke slowly, his eyes changed from the warmth of a smile to the evil of seduction before implying the same in his tone, “Traah..cyyy”. And as if on cue, my body was bewitched by his actions. I found myself slowly leaning into him and kissing him, forgetting the very cause of my previous actions. Until… he chuckled. It triggered an itch on my neck and within a fraction of that second, I was reminded of the bloodied lips I saw as he kissed me earlier. With some sense knocking in, I pushed him with all my might and haphazardly glanced over him. Lester was shocked. A look of annoyance was clear on his face and, because of fearing my life, I started to run when he outright grabbed my wrist. “Don’t you dare, woman!” He spoke and I hissed when I tried to shake him off. His steel-hard grip was killing me. “Let… go!” Finally muttering some words, I almost felt desperate to run away from him. “Really? I’m afraid, but you have no say in this.” Lester added, bewildering me. My head turned sharply to glare at him while in confusion. “I-I’ll call the police!” I murmured, all the while trying to break free from his grasp. He tilted his head arrogantly and snickered. “Wanna try? Ah, but first, let me show you something.” He added and suddenly took a step back, letting go of my wrist simultaneously. It itched and I dared not move my eyes off him while nursing it. Lester clicked his finger and I thought I would die. With a gust of a storm, I was pushed back against a wall, hitting my head in the process. Air knocked out of my lungs and I wiggled in pain, grabbing my head. Somehow, I caught a glimpse of Lester and forgot my pain altogether. In all his glory, Lester's skin looked paler than before, his features were sharper and his eyes glowed in the dark sky. I was, stunned would be an understatement, to describe how dangerously amazing he looked with a black cape flowing painfully slowly behind his back. It might have been a fantasy, hadn’t I known that it was real, when I saw small horns appearing on his head, giving him the appearance of a hot-dashing-demon. Yet, nothing can mask the fear I felt watching him. It was weird! He had the power to turn you on along with anticipation of pleasure he would bring if you obeyed. It drove me crazy. “Hahah… I’m glad you think that way, but do you remember?” He spoke so gently that I got the illusion of flying in the air with him. Unaware, I followed his eyes and was terrified. Not a few feet away from me were my friends, struggling against an unknown force as the whole room was set on fire. The heat was penetrating my skin and if we stayed for a few more minutes, we would be roasted alive. “Ash! Kavy!” I screamed but then stilled when a warm breath hit my ear. A force pulled me up and, as if I was watching transitions from a movie, I found myself, gasping for air, against the heavy wooden door while Lester stood an inch apart with a loving gaze on me. My eyes widened, mind boggled, unable to understand what was really happening. One second, I was screaming for my friends and another, I was back to where we were. Maybe… Maybe I got drunk… Yes, that could be possible. I might have gotten drunk at my dad’s wedding… Wait! Dad? Mom? Ella? Is it a dream? No. a nightmare! It should be that. However, the doubts vanished when Lester touched my chin with a pointed finger. “It’s not a dream, baby. It’s time to finally wake up from one.” Lester spoke carefully and my eyes watered when my heart accepted what he said was true. He turned my head to one side and stepped even closer. Tears swarmed when I saw how I was still pressed against some invisible wall by another dark Lester while my friends called out to me. “Offer me your body”, I watched as Lester bit my neck harshly before tossing me away, asking me to decide or die. Meanwhile, the Lester next to me, nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck while I trembled watching the scene unfold in front of my eyes. It all makes sense now. This isn’t a dream but a memory, buried deep inside my subconscious mind. I saw how helpless my friends and I were. If given a chance, I would still agree with what I agreed upon back then to save my friends who were worried about me even at that time. A staggering breath escaped as I unclenched my fists on my side. Suddenly, the vision disappeared and I stood there still, under heavy emotions. “Don’t cry, Tracy. In return for your selfless sacrifice, I’ll protect you as long as you are mine.” Lester took me aback with his words. I paid attention to how he left small kisses on my neck, chin and grabbed my face so I could stare back at his indescribable gaze. “Don’t let anyone else ever touch you and I’ll make sure you and your loved ones are safe. You dare defy me and” he let the words die in the silence between us. There was no need for words anyway. I absolutely knew what he meant but his eyes were disturbing me. With that touch, look and action, those words sounded fairly vague. However, I know better now when I have awakened from a deep sleep. “Understood?” Lester asked, and I managed to nod my head. “Yes, Lester.’ I spoke, and he chuckled and shook his head. “Call me Louise…” That being said, Lester pulled me close and teased my lips with his. Hearing his name merely sent tingles down my spine. I nodded willingly and closed the gap between us, mumbling his name in between, “Louise…” Let me remind you again, he is a very dangerous human… Oh, no! Not human but… Demon! Yet, I shamelessly fell for this demon who had nothing to do with a human being under unexpected conditions. Regardless, I believe whatever happens, happens for good. And I realized that too.
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