A Christmas Dream: Part One

1009 Words
Camilla POV I wake up to the most wonderful view of a foot of snow on the ground and snow still gradually falling from the clouds. The sun is hidden behind the clouds but still shining through. I look over and Milo isn’t there. It kind of makes me sad. I wanted to wake up next to him on our first Christmas. I get up still in my cozy Christmas pajamas and go to search for him. Months ago I wouldn’t dare let a man see me with a messy bun that is slowly falling out and unbrushed teeth but Milo is my mate and loves me no matter what. I find him in the living room between the fireplace and the tree. He’s kneeling on the ground which is strange. “What are you doing?” I ask him making my way over to him. He grabs my right hand holding it staring up at me. “Camilla I’ve been waiting for my mate for 13 years and before I met you I was starting to lose hope of ever finding you. I love you so much, I’ve been in love with you since the moment I met you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” He says pulling out an open ring box from behind his back. At this point I’m crying, “A thousand times, yes! I love you too my Alpha.” As soon as I called him my Alpha he picked me up and rushed me off to bed. Every time I call him that this always is the aftermath. Within seconds my Christmas pajamas were on the floor and so were his. He spread my legs and didn’t hesitate f—king me. We have s*x for over an hour before I’m out of energy and passed out. When I wake I want to think it’s all just a Christmas dream. But the heavy rock on my finger proves me wrong. Looking at the ring I realized I know this ring. It’s my mother’s ring. With Milo asking me to marry him and rushing me off to bed I didn’t even think to pay attention to the ring. It’s better than anything I could have ever expected. “It’s real baby and I knew it had to be special.” Milo says sitting up in the bed. “You obviously talked to my father.” “After I picked him and Kane up from the airport yesterday. That’s when he gave me the ring.” “Thank you. You’re everything and more.” I say holding his hand and kissing it. Alpha King Milo POV This morning was better than I ever expected. Even more than I expected with the mind blowing s*x after my proposal. Soon after she fell asleep. She was absolutely perfect in every way shape in form. I couldn’t fall back asleep so I just laid there and watched her. Two hours later she woke up after we talked for a little bit I motivated her to get in the shower with me. This lead to to even more s*x. It’s already 10:30, at this rate we will barley be ready by noon. It’s tradition that the Alpha hold Christmas Day celebrations with the Royal family in the Alpha Suite. I could only delay it so late. Mother wanted me to have it at 9 but that wouldn’t have given me much time this morning for my surprise. Camilla is making brunch. From what I have seen these past couple months Camilla’s cooking skills are very basic. Praise the Goddess that Aria and Jane are going to help her. By the time we get out of the shower the bell is buzzing in the living room. I see on the camera doorbell in the elevator that it is Aria and Jane. I’m able to buzz them in quicker in my phone that it is for Camilla to answer it in the living room. I hear Camilla give them free range of the kitchen before she rushes back in the bathroom with me to quickly get ready.“You didn’t tell me it was so late Milo!” She says frustrated. “You kept seducing me” I say in my defense while brushing my teeth. “As if!” She mumbles sticking her tooth brush in her mouth. “You know perfectly well the consequence of you calling me ‘my alpha’ angel.” I tell her after spitting the excess toothpaste out. Before she can rebuttal my claim I head for the closet to change into sweatpants and the ugly Christmas sweater Camilla bought me insisting in needed one. The sweater isn’t that bad. She didn’t go over the top it’s a pine color with white reindeers sewn in a pattern. I go out into the living room and start a fire and turn on the tv. I turn it to one of those channels that plays Christmas movies all day long. When I finally find the channel and air in the couch I hear Camilla rush into the kitchen and start helping Aria and Jane. It isn’t long until there is screaming coming from the kitchen behind me. “Oh my God! He asked you to marry him?” I hear Aria and Jane say in unison. Followed by more screaming and congratulations. Jane and Aria rush me from behind wrapping their hands around me congratulating me as well. “Girls, we still a a sh-t load of cooking to do in a short period of time.” I hear Camilla yell. Twenty minutes later the buzzer is going off again. I check my phone to see that Hunter, his mate Alicia, and their daughter are hear. Hunter has celebrated with our family since his parents moved to an island after Hunter took over their Beta position after my father died. I buzz them in and Hunter comes to sit with me while Alicia takes the baby to the kitchen.
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