CHAPTER 24 Why Do You Think I Left?

1418 Words

  Allen and Greyson could feel Lexi's tension as she ate and neither of them dared to break the brooding silence as they watched her tear into her breakfast angrily. As soon as she ran low on coffee they offered more and watched for her reaction.   Finally she sighed heavily and sat back, regarding them both with an unimpressed scowl.   "Will you two stop walking on eggshells around me? I already told you that I'm not mad at you."   "You say that, but you forget that we marked you," Greyson answered carefully, "As soon as the bond snapped into place we could feel every emotion through that link."   "So telling us that you're not angry at us even though we can feel the anger…." Allen grimaced and made a small noise of discomfort at the back of his throat, "You have to understand that it

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