CHAPTER 13 My Son My Blood

1390 Words

  Both Allen and Greyson looked at Brad with interest.   "So, you're saying that despite not having a wolf, you still manage to retain leadership of the pack?" Allen asked with a scowl of confusion.   "No, I still have my wolf, he's just not very… cooperative," Brad answered with a sigh as he desperately rocked his son in his arms, his stress levels rising the longer he cried.   "So, ask him to come and meet his baby, instead of sulking like a giant child," Lexi shrugged.   "It's not that simple," Brad snapped in frustration, "What if he hurts the baby? What if…"   "Look, you can throw 'what if's' around all you like, but the fact is that the child in your arms shares the DNA of you AND your wolf." Lexi snapped back, "Would an Alpha wolf really turn his back on his own child?"   Brad

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