CHAPTER 39 Stay With Us

1055 Words

  The force at which the bedroom door was thrown open had Lexi vaulting off the bed and ready to launch an attack on whoever came through the door.   As she raised her arms with a vicious snarl on her face, Greyson and Allen froze in the doorway with looks of abject apprehension on their faces as they yelled frantically.   "Lexi, wait! It's us!"   A wave of cold relief washed over her as the realization set in that she wasn't actually being attacked, it was just her mates returning.   She felt her shoulders sag as she lowered her arms and tried to force her heart rate to slow down, pushing down the energies that her souls had reacted with, and swore loudly at them.   "Seriously! What the f**k is wrong with you both?! Do you want me to turn you into shifter kebabs?!" Lexi roared furiou

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