A little hope..

359 Words
Jeet could not doze and kept thinking of his mistake of rejection to Laila. When Mom reminded him of Laila, it disturbed him today. He went to the gym. "Hey, Jeet. Come this way we have some new equipment for the gym." Kevin said to Jeet. Kevin was a friend of Jeet from the gym and used to work with him in the same company. Kevin noticed about the bad mood of Jeet and enquired "Hey, what is wrong with you?" "Mom had called this morning. She was asking me to get married to some girl named Laira." Jeet answered. "Hey, guys I got a promotion. Party is on me. Skyvilla restaurant at 8 pm today." Nick said. Jeet and Kevin nodded. And Nick acted as if smelling something and continued, "I can smell something fishy, do not you dare to discuss the matter without me, drop me to my apartment Jeet," After a routine work Jeet, Nick and Kevin gather at Skyvilla hotel. "Hey buddy, so let us continue the stuff," Nick said. Jeet told the entire story which Mom told this morning. “Dude, you have done love marriage and results are not so good, now try this. It may work.” Nick said by taking a sip of beer. Zafar, who is a childhood friend of Nick joined the party, “And what about your suggestion of a test drive?” Kevin asked. “Dude test drive thing does not work for all,” Nick answered. “Besides, not everybody takes a test drive,” Nick explained. “Test drive only works when both want to check if they are good in bed with each other, it is not for the one who is finding love and all.” Nick continued. “What is a test drive has to do with marriage?” Zafar enquired. “Duffer, test drive means, getting more close to a girl when both want to check if they are good in bed with each other,” Nick explained. “Jeet, this is your last hope of getting married and in a worthy relationship dude, just go for it,” Kevin suggested...
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