2902 Words

“It’s all right, child,” he said soothingly. ‘I am not afraid,’ she wanted to tell him, but the words died in her throat for the sudden joy that shot through her at the touch of his cheek and the sound of his voice. She wanted to turn her face a little and touch his lips with hers. She wanted to draw him even closer and then felt herself blush at the very audacity of her feelings. Quite suddenly he put her down on the ground. “What is – happening?” she asked. “We crawl from here,” he whispered. “And don’t say anything. We must be near the British posts.” They went down on their hands and knees. Lord Wye kept hold of Elvina’s hand, drawing her beside him up over the rough stones and clumps of heather. She felt soon that her knees were bleeding and she could hear her skirt tearing as

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