5 - Scar & Jack

1343 Words
“Are you alright Scarlett? You seem very flushed and short of breath” Mr. Mancini asked honestly. She knew it would be noticed at some point. Her body was throbbing with want and pleading for release. She was still hung over, still not in her right mind and had been driven mad by her dreams mixed with endless thoughts of how Kristos made her feel. “Truth Mr. Mancini. I just don’t feel myself. I would like to blame it on going out last night but this is all encompassing. Don’t worry sir. I can do my job. But remember my days off are tomorrow and the next day. So hopefully that rest will restore me.” She smiled and fluffed her hair a little. He looked her up and down. She was like a daughter to him and honestly had earned every accolade she received from her job performance. The last thing he needed was to lose someone so valuable. “Maybe you should head home and just take the rest of today and your two days off resting. I would rather you be refreshed and one hundred percent when the business convention takes over half the hotel next week. We will doc it as a half sick day. Does that work for you?” He smiled and put a hand to her forehead. She felt warm-ish. She felt really guilty but needed to take some time away and composer herself truthfully. “Only if you are sure sir. My first concern is this job and my performance. I want…” He waved his hand in the air and made a closed eye head shaking motion. “Not another word. Head home. When you come back next week, I want an early eight o’clock meeting. We should see about getting you internal housing. I have some idea to bounce off of you. Take care.”   He prodded her off the elevator on the ground floor. She headed immediately to the employee locker room. Jaqueline was there clocking out for a break. “Oh girl, are you good? You look upset or distraught about something.” “Huh? Oh no, I am good Jaqueline. I am headed home. Not myself today is all and Mr. Mancini sent me home. I will be back on Monday at eight in the morning. Can you put on his calendar we have a meeting then? I forgot to do it for him.” “Wow really? Not yourself? Is that the hangover or Mr. Drakos?” She snickered. “What? Wait… how would you…” “The elevator stopped, opened and closed on floor 29, where you were headed and never made it to…I was there when you two were…Engaged in tonsil hockey.” She felt like she wanted to throw up at that moment. The doors had stopped on the 29th floor? They didn’t even notice. f**k. Now what? She thought to herself for a moment. “Girl, you don’t know the half of it. Walk me out and I will buy you lunch before going home. I will tell you everything if you are sworn to secrecy and help me figure out what comes next. I don’t know what the hell to do.” Jaqueline clocked out and smiled holding out her hand. “Best get you home before this *cough* sickness takes over.” They headed out the door together after Jaqueline shared with Mr. Mancini that she was graciously getting Scarlett home to ensure in her sick state she made it okay. ~~ They sat at the outdoor café on the corner around the block from Scarlett’s flat. She lived in a nicer Venice apartment on the second floor. It was one bedroom, living room/kitchen/dining all combined in one room and an Italian tiled bathroom with corner shower. The kitchenette area was smaller but adequate to cook a good meal and not feel too cramped up. Jaqueline had been over to hang out several times before. Scar and Jacq ‘Jack’ as they called each other were actually really good friends and both half American – half Italian. Scarlett was actually Mr. Mancini’s second cousin twice removed but her mother and Anthony (a.k.a. Mr. Mancini) were close friends to this day. Jaqueline’s father had started in the hotel many years ago with Mr. Mancini and passed about a year ago from cancer. So naturally, Mr. Mancini gave her a job out of loyalty and it was one of the best things he could have done. Scar and Jacq were close, worked together better than any of this other employees and when they were both working the same shift, s**t ran like clockwork. Sitting at a table, Matteo the best waiter at the small café smiled at Scarlett widely. “Oh look, he is still trying to get in your pants with that smile.” Jacqueline joked. Elbowing her, Scarlett smiled and waves to Matteo. “My favorite ladies. What are we needing to warm our hearts and souls on this beautiful day. And might I say Scar you are looking quite attractive today. Flushing does you justice.” She took a soft, slow breath, this guy was relentless. “We would like water, soup and your lunch special please.” Jaqueline interrupted. Matteo looked annoyed and half grimaced and smiled at Jacq before walking away from the table. “Well aren’t you the biggest c**k block ever!” Scarlett whispered and giggled. “You bet. All the ladies are mine. Except you of course… you belong to the mysterious millionaire at the moment.” She waggled her eyebrows up and down. “So tell me what the hell prompted today…” Scarlett recanted the whole story.  From how she went from a manager delivering food and drink, to a steamy - sexually charged encounter, to trying too many drinks to get him out of her system, to ultimately losing her mind and trying to rape him in an elevator   Jaqueline sat there in awe. This was nothing like the Scarlett she knew. The connection had to be so real for her to go after a man. In the year and half they knew one another, Scarlett rarely said yes to intimate anything and never instigated s****l somethings. “And that is how the elevator happened and I nearly lost my job, my mind and my body to one Mr. Drakos. I am so stupid. I just couldn’t help myself.” “First, you are not stupid you are a woman and for not liking men, I can definitely see the attraction. He is something special but he is odd. Nothing like his brother or even his father. He always seems so alert yet conflicted and some of his s****l practices Amanda has bragged about, I don’t think he is missionary kind of guy. Be careful is all I will say Scar. You don’t need to get hurt in your heart. Although I must admit, you probably need the extreme s****l intensity this one would provide you. Or at least I think so. But something about his doesn’t sit right with me. I dunno…. Just please be careful. I don’t want to have to take him out and hide a body…ok?” She laughed slightly. “No, no, you are right. I need to stop it before it starts. Well, starts again. He is out of my league and I will fall for anything right now I am so lonely. Maybe I should switch hit.” She elbowed Jacq’s ribs and laughed louder. “Woman, if that happens…well I love you but I am not sure I would go there with you but I have a list of possibilities. Just let me know. And don’t think for one second it isn’t because you aren’t f*****g hot and smell amazing. I just love you to much to lose my best friend.” She winked and smiled at Matteo as he set out the soup course. “Will there be anything else my ladies?” “Nah. We are good Matteo. Thank you hun.” Scarlett grinned and turned to eat her soup. It was a perfect seventy eight degrees Celsius that day. Mid afternoon with a light tepid breeze. She knew Jacq had to go back to work soon and wasn’t sure what she would do for two and a half days alone in her apartment but most assuredly she would not think about him. 
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