814 Words

DROP TWENTY-SEVEN Patty charged. “Patty Roo on the offensive, back after weeks of recovering from her injuries. It was naaasty, ladies and gentlemen and variations thereof, let’s have a replay so we can remember what happened. Control, find the video for us, please. Never miss a moment with the Cyberpink app, only 14.99, available on your favourite app store.” The Bunbuns had a hole in their formation, which Patty couldn’t wait to exploit. They had positioned the Chain in the middle, thinking she could reach wide. It’s a common misconception, that you can cover the entire circle of reach. But people only have eyes at the front. She taunted an enforcer and dropped her immediately, disengaging as soon as she saw the Chain attacking one of the Pinups. The bimbo took the hit, of course, bu

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