1220 Words

DROP TWENTY-ONE “I thought you’d be happy to leave the house,” Hector said, parking the truck. “Oh, trust me, I am. But I can’t stand these girls,” Patty said, wincing at the sight of the building. “Why is that?” “They’re bitchy. Stupid. Shallow. Mean. Illiterate. Worthless. Slow. Lazy. Did I mention bitchy?” Hector bit down a smile. “So… you don’t like them very much?” he teased. “Nope.” “It’s okay, let’s just go get your stuff.” The building had a gigantic logo on it, saying Pinup Girls. With a neon pinup girl in a provocative pose. It was afternoon, but it still lit up everything around in a pink glow. That must have driven a couple of neighbours insane. Blinking. Blinking. Blinking. Forever. The place actually seemed nice. He walked towards the reception. “Um…” He still had no

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