258 Words

DROP THIRTY In the VIP bathroom, which he was happy to discover he had access to, he heard sounds. Intimate sounds. Ready to just hold it in, step backwards and leave them to their carnal desires, he heard a voice. “You want the contract, you tight little cunt? Then open your pretty mouth and suck it. And you better be good at it.” That disgusting, annoying voice. Hector shut his eyes tight, shook his head, balled his fists. No. Slap on the a*s, fine. Should have been a s****l harassment lawsuit, but what the hell. Being an asshole to the staff? Comes with the territory of being a rich asshole. But asking for this? No. Whimpering. A slap. Sniffling. Another slap. Muffled whining, and choking sounds. Male grunts. He stepped inside the toilets, walking in deliberate strides. They w

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