1429 Words

Elaine “I got the job,” I sang as I rushed into Cora's room, shaking her shoulders until she roused awake. “Oh my goodness, Cora. I got the f*****g job!” She sat up straight at that, rubbing her eyes with the back of her left palm. “Way to go, Matthews. Should I go get some wine?” “Yes!” I howled, jumping about in victory. I finally had a job. I could get enough money to pay for rent and Finn's schooling. I could pay for anything! Cora raced down the stairs to the kitchen, returning with the leftover Martini we had last night after dinner, along with two tall glasses. I held my glass firmly as she poured, a goofy smile on her face. “A toast,” we clicked our glasses together, giggling as two schoolgirls asked on a date. “To many more victories, high salaries, and hot bosses that aren't

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