Twenty-Four: Ransom Tanager

1296 Words

Twenty-Four: Ransom Tanager         I’d lived through hell.         Hell was watching all of those people die on New Years Eve all of those years ago and knowing that I was the cause of it. Hell was being in love with Piper and knowing there was a chance that she would never love me. Right now, it was the scene that I was witnessing on the screens in the viewing room I had in The West Side of the mansion.        Piper was being chased by an EVO. Half man, half bull, and somehow as big as a giant, towering over everything. Also, wrecking everything in its path. I needed to get to Crescent City. I needed to save her.       I ran through the mansion to where I kept my Bombtastic gear. I changed quickly into my costume, and then I ran to the car that I used for missions. I sped as fa

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