Part 18- A tasty break and another break

1573 Words

Our movements became frantic. Our breathing became heavier, reverberating against the four walls of the room while I was melting against him. Our clothes went flying away onto the floor helplessly. He pulled me, scooping me into his chest, and kissing me again. My hands were clinging around his neck for dear life. The kiss was passionate and I wanted to savor it forever. I wanted to stay this close to him. It carried the days we hadn't held each other in each other's arms. I didn't know how much I had missed him until now that our bodies were pressed together, leaving no space, not even the air could penetrate. His lips moved lower down to my neck as his hands stroked the skin on my back, spreading the warmth of his skin all over me. I never wanted him to stop. His lips went back to kissin

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