Wotshisname? By Drew Hunt Saturday mornings were probably my second favourite time of the week. I could just lie in bed for as long as I wanted. Only two things would drag me out from under the covers, my bladder, or Damien, the demon-spawn cat from hell. Yes, I’d named him after the character in The Omen. It was always a toss-up as to which would get to me first. My bladder was something beyond my control, and, come to think of it, so was Damien. He would as soon hiss at me, scratch me, or try and bite me than look at me. I was sure he only stuck around because of the overpriced, gourmet cat food I fed him. He wouldn’t touch the cheaper supermarket’s own brands. I had a pretty healthy s*x life myself, but it was nothing compared to Damien’s. Only he preferred to shag the females of his