
357 Words
It starts with a smile,  a like,  a friend, then a crush,... But it takes lifetime to forget the person. I know that am loved by a million u no reason but there is that one person I love for a million reasons. The friend found me lonely and gave me company, the same friend found perfection from my imperfection, that is a friend who is one in a million. When God created man He knew that alone its impossible, he made fingers with gaps between as a sign of incomplete human but when He added those of woman the hand became complete. Hence the greatest love is AGAPE (we have agape love. This is an altruistic, selfless, unconditional love. The Greeks thought it was quite radical, perhaps because so few people seem capable of feeling it long-term.) It struggles though poverty, kicks out tribalism, crushes off social classes, protrudes in racism, silence the family ties, shakes the frames of religion and Comes out as TRUE LOVE. There are two deepest oceans in the world, once entered no one comes back. Many may not be aware but they do exist. One is the ocean of LOVE taking the way to the ocean makes one completely mud. No one who once tried it ends up well since it is a life sentence. Once you get they it's done. Some call it a quick sand the more you struggle the deeper you go. I myself will never try to keep false people in life since if they are not meant to be with you  they will live you. Those meant to be with you goes with you to death. They will search for you to be complete. The second Ocean is the ocean of DEATH. False love will never balance, the one you love, loves somebody else, who loves someone else... But finding a person who loves you and love him/her appears where true love is born. Hope your life flows in the stream of happiness and against the current of sadness. Hope it gives you the best of love as we continue with the journey to the GREATNESS....
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