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Now I was stunned into silence. Why would he be interested in who my mate was? "I'm...I don't know." "You don't know his name, but are you convinced he's out there?" "I have faith, what's so bad about that?" "Nothing, it's just very..blind." I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm willing to wait." I turned to look at the pond. He just watched me as we sat in silence. "Alex, I haven't been completely honest with you." "Ha, that's an understatement!"He chuckled, before he could start someone started to clap behind us. We both turned and found that Amanda was coming to us. "So romantic, the love birds having a nice chat." "Amanda, just leave me alone!" "Oh, I don't think so. You see one fact kept you safe, that Chris was mine. It seems as though he's broken our deal." I looked up at Chris, who grimaced at me, then turned back to Amanda. "Mandy, I just can't anymore. I need to breathe!" "What the hell does that mean!?" I asked, shoving Chris. He really looked scared now. "It means you two can both have a dirt bath." she said, so calmly that it unnerved me. As black energy shot from her hands right at me, I dodged but barely. The dress was slowing me down, as she threw more black energy toward me. Soon the people from the ball started to pour out of the dance hall to watch our fight. Chris was trying to calm her down but she kept coming after me. I used my energy balls to hit her, but she blocked them effortlessly. I wasn't strong enough to go against a black witch. That's what she was, a black witch. The power had never been with Will, but his sister. I held up my protection shield against her, but it didn't take long before I couldn't hold her strikes back. I could just dodge and move until I felt something s***h across my back. I screamed in pain. "Enough!" I heard and turned, as did everyone else. My mouth dropped open, as...Chris or his twin or whatever. Walked toward us. The one that had been trying to stop Amanda scurried toward him, but was slapped across the face. "Master, I tried to..." "Shut up!" the other ordered him, and he submitted. Chris, who had just walked in, looked right at me, somehow he looked scarier, as if his power were greater. "What the hell is going on?!" demanded Amanda, looking from one Chris to the other. The Chris on the floor, suddenly changed faces. His hair a light brown, his eyes jet black, and his skin pale, almost transparent. He looked small compared to...Chris. "I am Christopher Alexander Amery!" Chris said loudly, as he glared down at Amanda, who shrunk away a little. Then he returned his eyes to me, his stare felt heavy. Fear finally settled on me, as the name clicked in my mind. Alexander Amery, had been the worst vampire to have come to America. He killed many people both here and in the Middle East. Children, women, and men all alike, never showing them mercy. The Slayers use to say he was in a rage at the time, a rage that had lasted for a hundred years. Then, once in America, he just disappeared. Nobody knew why, some speculated his thirst had finally sated, but nothing more was known. My throat went super dry, as I tried to think what to do, but nothing came to mind. He walked toward me, as I remembered my back was bleeding. Before I could even move, he held me in place, ran his tongue along my wound, and it healed. I pulled away from him. I felt as if I were seeing him for the first time, in the real light. I pushed past him, and ran toward Lillian and John. "Take me home now!" I said. Lillian nodded and followed me out of the hotel, to the vehicle. We drove off , back to the house. My heart was beating hard in my chest. I had been alone with him. He could've killed me at any point, he..he. I was going to be sick. Once at the house, I was in shock. Lillian led me inside and had me sit. I then looked up at her. "Did you know? Who he was?" "I'm not sure what you mean." she said, looking confused, then up at John for answers. John sighed. "Christopher Alexander Amery was a massive murderer, Lil, he killed a lot of people, innocents and guilty alike. He would play with them, torturing them for days, sometimes weeks. All supernaturals are aware who he was, and even wonder what happened. He just disappeared about fifty years back. Nobody knew what happened to him." Lillian went pale as a ghost as she looked at John, then at me. "If I had known that...I wouldn't have agreed." "Agreed...agreed to what?" I said, hardly being able to breathe, as Lillian then looked guilty. "The night you came, and asked about your father. The other man told us that his master was interested in claiming you as his mate, that you weren't to be...touched by any other." I gaped at my aunt, then at John, and back to my aunt. "You didn't think to tell me that I was...set aside...like I'm some kind of damn dish or something!?" "I thought he had told you, you two were always together...I thought that's why you picked your dress, the color it was, and all, but when I saw William come to get you...I was confused." "I really thought so too. That same night, you came back with a bite mark, Alex. I thought you two had come to some kind of agreement." I felt so light-headed and sick, from the use of my magic and with all of this. They were ready to give me off to...Alexander..."A" "f**k!" I yelled, slamming my fists on the table. I wanted to cry and scream in anger at the same time. I tried to jump up from my seat and run, but the whole room whirled and I was falling, falling into darkness. "Alex?" I heard a far away voice, as I looked up at.. "Dalton?" I said and looked around. I was still in my dress but now on the couch, with a wet washcloth on my head. "Hey, you scared us." he said with a smile. "Us?" I asked and caught sight of who was behind him. I tried to get up but Dalton held me in place. "Mina!" I called, she came strolling around the corner and Chris scratched her behind the ears. There was a jack hammer where my heart was. What the hell was happening!? "You need to calm down, and hear him out." Dalton said, still holding me down. I glared at him, then back up at Chris. "Even if she runs, I can still catch her." He said. I knew it was a joke, but it scared me shitless. Dalton noticed, and rolled his eyes at him. "Try not to do that, unless you want her to have a damn heart attack!" Dalton finished sternly, looked back down at me, then got up and left me and Chris alone. As he stood there, I just saw the Chris I thought I had come to know, but then I realized I'd never known him, not really. "What are you feeling?" he asked. I got up and wiped my face. I had tears on my face. "Nothing...I'm just tired." "I can help..." "Tired of being lied to..tired that everyone else seems to know what is good for me..tired that I'm just..." "That day at the springs I meant to tell you." "Why? Why play this stupid game?" I glared up at him as he took a seat across from me. "I'm sure you're aware of my history. I'm not going to give you excuses. I knew I was feared for a few years. I just wanted to die, have it all end. People think immortality is great, but it comes with a price, one I wasn't willing to pay anymore. Until a young woman told me I wouldn't be alone for long. I would find something I would value above blood, that was the only thing keeping me going. So I would throw my hook, my servant, he'd wear my face and deal with lustful females, while I looked for one. I had given up hope, and was falling into despair again. Thanks to your uncle, I have found a purpose for my life." "You've been looking for...your mate this whole time?" "Yes. When I saw you walk into the station that first day, something just clicked." I thought about that first day I had gone into the station, and suddenly everything else made sense. "Everyone knows about your servant." "Those in the station do, they never speak of it." "The day of the attack, who's house is that?" "My servant's." "The day of the party?" "Me." "The day you gave me a ride back from William's house?" "My servant." "The bathroom?" He went quiet, as if thinking. "I went on a date with Will, you..he...came into the bathroom.." "Hmm, I didn't tell him to do that." "Oh, my..." I got up and paced. I can't get over this. "Alex," he said firmly. I took a couple of deep breaths, and looked up at him. "What do you want from me?" I asked, that seemed to be the magic question, because he got to his feet and walked over to me. "I want you." "Why?" "Why not? Can't you feel it?" he asked, coming closer to me. Right now I didn't know how to react, part of me wanted to push him away, but the other wanted him to hold me. "I'm not sure what I feel!" I said, not looking at him. As he came close to me, hugging me to him. "I'm sure you do, and we don't need to fight it any more." He placed a soft kiss right where my pulse was on my neck, and it made me gasp in surprise. "How can I trust you?" I asked, finally finding the strength to walk away from him. He chuckled, it sounded dark and deep. "I've waited for too long, to let you slip through my fingers, dear Alex, it might be hard to believe, but I'm loyal to only one." He was right behind me as he said that, sending a delicious shiver down my spine. "So what now?" I barely asked as he kissed my shoulder. "I want you to come live with me." I turned to look at him. Was he serious? "What? No!" I finally snapped out of whatever power he was using on me. He looked frustrated. "I can't leave you unprotected!" "I can protect myself!" "Barely, but I will let the remainder of this month play out. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about with Lillian." I felt like he meant something more with that statement, but he didn't say any more. "A month. If I decide I don't want to come with you?" He gave me a stern look, but then came toward me. "You're coming with me, even if I have to tie you down, gag you, and drag you there." I got the overwhelming feeling to laugh but kept myself under control. "You can't make me do anything!" "Dear Alex, you wanted your mate..well, I'm here. Get use to it!" He said in a deep tone, making it sound final, as he walked away. "I call a do over!" I called to his back. I headed up stairs and took my ruined dress off. Got in the shower and just sat there under the hot water, wishing myself to wake from this nightmare. Alexander Amery was my mate...God must really hate me. After my shower, I got dressed and was just brushing my hair. When I realized that my mate just might be my perfect match.
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