Chapter Nine:

3092 Words

Chapter Nine:Maa woke long before reaching the city. When the floating island passed between her and the sun, the shadow and the danger it represented stirred her from a peaceful slumber. Her right eye remained bandaged, and her head throbbed. Risking sitting up, she was correct in her worries. Wetlands surrounded them. The wagon should reach the city gates soon. The men that once shadowed the wagon fell in behind. The look on their faces told Maa they were scared witless if she’d jumped up and screamed, more than half would break and run. The current circumstances didn’t bode well for her continued survival. Action was called for. She spoke with a clear voice, “We need to pick up the pace, or we might not make it.” “Shut up,” The driver growled with false bravado. Maa was correct. The

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