Found her lobster

3634 Words

“The way the flame danced, it showed me how something so beautiful could be dangerous. It looked as if it has a life of its own, its own existence is at the peril of others.” -Harini Vidara- Chapter 10; Found her lobster Time went by, the Colombos and the Lucchese started a war between the two. Dominique was enjoying this conflict as both of them used her cartel to buy more ammunition. Ammunition became the top seller even overtaking heroin and cocaine. With the profits, the Guerras were striving. She didn’t join a side, she let fate do its magic. It was a Sunday; she was in her weapons room. Her fingertips trailed along with the various weapons she had. She had nun chunks, katanas, swords, daggers, armor, machine guns, grenades, AK-47s, 9 mm, and shotguns. Her favorite was a pair of

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