Uno reverse

2514 Words

“Anyone can give up; it is the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would expect you to fall apart, now that’s true strength.” -Chris Bradford- Chapter 45; Uno reverse When someone would offer condolences to her, she would internally roll her eyes. She would thank them for doing so but she never meant it. What she wanted to say is f**k off, and also another annoying phrase is ‘I will be here if you need me’. People casually throw that and never mean it, because when she needed that, they were nowhere in sight. Everybody expected her to cry but she didn’t. She held her own. She watched as they buried the empty coffins under a plot and she buried the actual bodies in the Guerra family crypt. She didn’t cry, she just was numb. Days went by and she got t

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