Martin Cage

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“Murder is like potato chips: you can’t stop with just one.” -Stephen King- Chapter 02 Alyssa had a couple of cases with a high-end B&E but then the precinct went on high alert, Martin Cage AKA the right-hand man of the one and only Alvaro Lucchese was found dead in a ditch near an abandoned warehouse. This meant that there was going to be an inevitable gang war between the Lucchese and the Guerras. They were known to be rivals, but going as far as murdering the right-hand man of Alvaro Lucchese was like signing their own death certificates. Let me give you a basic rundown of the current mafia atmosphere here.... The Lucchese crime family migrated from Spain when they were chased off by the other crime families. It happened around the 1920s, the Guerra crime family was born on American soil by first-generation Latino descendants. Ever since the Lucchese crime family stepped foot in America, they have been going on a war between them and the Guerras. The cops are now in the process of finding out who exactly killed him rather than pointing their fingers at the Guerra family. They are the prime suspect in the murder investigation but it has been impossible to track any important person in the family. Since the fire, the sole survivor Sebastian Guerra has been extra careful and he stayed in the shadows unless his presence was mandatory. The Lucchese crime family had already made up their mind. They held a meeting behind closed doors. Alvaro started to say, “Atacaron el corazón de nuestra organización.” (They attacked at the heart of our organization). He continued while all his soldiers listened, “Martin fue un gran hombre, su muerte no será en vano.” (Martin was a great man, his death will not be in vain) “Pagarán por lo que han hecho” (They will pay for what they have done) He shouted, “hasta que el fuego se apague” (Until the fire burns out) His troops shouted the same, “hasta que el fuego se apague” The people started to load up on ammunition, and they set out in the city with the mission of killing as many of Guerra's men as they possibly could. The news reached the mayor. He knew that innocent people would be caught in the crossfires. He immediately sent out an order, “Curfew until further notice” The news stations broadcasted the message, and all of the civilians were forced to leave their workplaces and return to their homes. Dominique laughed at the moment she saw the news; innocents are always caught in the crossfires. She ordered her men to do something which has not been done ever since she ruled. Well technically, her puppet ordered her men to stay indoors while she would sort out the mess with the Lucchese family. Sebastian was shaking violently as they entered the property of the Lucchese crime family. The moment they were at the gate they were questioned. “Who are you?” by the intercom. She replied, “Sebastian Guerra is here to visit your boss.” The moment the words were enumerated, the men were afraid. They might have guns and ammunition but the reputation of the Guerras is enough to send them away screaming in fear. Just as he was about to step outside, she turned to face him. “Do what I say and make sure the mic is properly set.” “Yes, boss.” He replied. He got out of the car. He stood up straight and walked into the house while being guided by the Lucchese men. He was taken to a room where a person was seated on a chair facing the other way. One of his men said, “Sebastian is here to see you.” He turned to face him, he looked as if he was 40 but he was much older than that. “Well, well look who's here.” He stated with a smile on his face. Dominique replied, “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” He repeated the exact statement, word by word. “Enough pleasantries, let’s get down to business,” Alvaro stated in a firm tone. “What’s the fun in that?” he stated unbothered by everything that was happening. The truth is that he is so scared that he stopped feeling emotions altogether. He smiled and he stated calmly, “We didn’t kill Martin, Colombo did that.” “Colombo? How do I know that you aren’t lying?” he asked questioning his motives. “People lie when they are afraid, do I look afraid to you?” he stated confidently as he was instructed. “Then why did you come and not send a lackey to us with that information?” he was starting to poke holes so that he could certify that he was lying. “If I did send a lackey, you would have killed him the second he stepped in,” he replied calmly as ever. “You are one smart kid,” Lucchese stated and he gave a pat on his back. He almost flinched but he was quick to hide it. He smiled at him and he said, “I am sure that you have things to do, so do I. It’s nice to see you, Alvaro.” “Always nice to see you” Alvaro stated with a smile. They bid farewell and they parted. While she was driving him back, he asked her, “Did Colombo kill him?” “Nah” she replied casually. “Then who did?” he asked curiously. “You are asking too many questions.” She stated with her eyes on the road. “I think I have a right to know.” He stated. She let out a loud chuckle, and she pulled over. She turned to face him and she asked him, “Do that again.” He remained silent because he knew that’s what he should do. After a couple of minutes of silence, she said firmly, “That’s what I thought.” She resumed driving and the entire car ride partook in silence. If she hadn’t done that, there would have been a war between the two parties. And innocents would die. She didn’t care about that but war is bad for business. She knew that she had to do that so business would resume as usual. Another crime family in America is the Colombos. They are not massive like Lucchese and Guerra but they do have a good market for LSD. If you pop one of theirs in your mouth, a good trip is guaranteed. Almost everybody has a great trip except that tiny 1% who has a terrible trip. I will let you on a secret, she knows more than she says but currently you do not need to know anything else.
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