I’m going to make a deal that he can’t refuse

2126 Words

“I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a b***h. You have got to go and kick ass” -Maya Angelou- Or if you take it in the millennial version, life’s a b***h so, grab the world by its balls. Chapter 08; I’m going to make a deal that he can’t refuse Alexis woke up happy from last night but she was pissed about Alvaro showing up. The absolute nerve he had to show up and support the fire department. His motto is hasta que el fuego se apague, (until the fire burns out). The pure irony. She smirked in her sleep as she did kill his right-hand man. She knew when the time came, he would pay for what he did. Anyway, let’s focus on tonight. This would be their official third date, Alyssa demanded that she would plan something for them, for a change. Alexis f

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