6. Dance With His Gamma

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Jessamine Had turning the Alpha down been a part of my plan? Yes. How else am I supposed to get him fall for me if I don’t make him see what he stands to lose? I’d be silly to think getting him to take my hand at the ball will lead to my happily ever after with him. I’m not that delusional. So, I plan to make him think about me all day long, see me everywhere—even in his sleep. Give him a taste of “Mad Jessamine’ and leave him hanging. “You dance surprisingly well, Jessamine,” Gamma Lloyd says, twirling me for the fifth time. “For what? An Omega?” I coo sweetly, gripping his jacket as we twist swiftly, matching the songs changing rhythm. I’m a great dancer. Mother used to teach me when she was still alive. Lessons after lessons, she would never miss one. Not even when we were starving and barely had food to survive on. It is almost as if she knew this day would come. The day her Omega daughter would dance in a room filled with high-class guests, Alphas, Betas and Gammas from far and wide, prestigious packs and elders. The day her daughter would twirl across the Alpha’s ballroom and shine. Everyone’s watching us, including Alpha Kier. He looks angrier and angrier by the second, jaw clenching, fists curling like he is contemplating walking over here and pummeling Gamma Lloyd for accepting my hand, right after I’d rejected him. “No. You move better than most females I have danced with. It was a compliment,” Gamma Lloyd remarks and I smile, lowering my eyelashes. He adds after a pause, “You really shouldn’t provoke the Alpha like this. It’s reckless.” I pull back a little, dancing around him while tracing his shoulders and broad back with my fingers. My gaze drifts across where I know the Alpha is, and our eyes meet. Oh, he looks livid. That’s the thing with Alpha males. They feel entitled to everything. Take what they think should be theirs and they get mad. Possessive. Anytime now, Alpha Kier will make a move to take me from Gamma Lloyd. “You think I’m being reckless, yet, you accepted my dance offer. Why?” I ask, gaze holding his as we move in tandem, swaying and drifting to the music. Every movement has my figure glowing, and the slit gives a rather rare view of my pretty legs—legs that Alpha Kier keeps looking at. The Gamma chuckles, fingers trailing to the low of my back, tugging me closer. “It’d be foolish to turn down the request of the most beautiful woman in the gathering.” A pause. “The dress suits you. Though, I’d appreciate you not steal from my study.” I shrug. “I didn’t steal it. I just borrowed it.” It doesn’t really matter. The dress will be mine soon enough. The music changes, and Gamma Lloyd grips my fingertips lightly, twirling me again and again, and I laugh, unable to hold back. Hands grip my waist and--oh. I'm staring into deep hazel eyes that seem to seem into me. Alpha Kier's holding me. My heartbeat picks up and I look back to see Gamma Lloyd walking away. Surprised, I look forward again. I'd expected him to make a move, but not so soon. Those fingers grip my waist rather tightly when I start to pull away, and my breath hitches as the heat of his fingers seeps through my dress, branding my skin. I shiver inwardly as he holds me to his chest, staring down at me with eyes darkened with lust. "Who are you?" My lips part, but before I can respond, he bends slightly and I gasp when I feel his hand underneath my knee, raising my calf and hooking it around his waist--all a part of this dance. Though, I think a line has been toed. The line that stood between this being a mere dance, and this being an avenue to sate the hunger rising within him. Something stings in my chest. He doesn't think it's me, the lowly maid he laughed at. He thinks it's some mystery woman, and he's already touching her. Anger rises within me, tangling with the heat I feel as his fingers trail up my thigh, further up my hips and behind my waist as he dips me so low, it feels like I'm falling. But his hands tighten around my waist at the last minute, holding me in place and I'm staring into beautiful eyes that shimmer with things I don't understand. "You know who I am," I whisper. He tilts his head, observing me slowly. "I would remember if I did. Your features are hardly forgettable." By my features, he could be refering to my face, or the swell of my breasts that are in his face. Or my waist that he seems to be getting well acquainted with. Turns out I'm not the only shameless one. He's flirting with me so hard, disregarding the fact that everybody's watching. We're the only couple dancing. He's gifted this lowly, classless, Omega of a maid, his first dance. Alpha Kier pulls me up effortlessly, and my hands brace against his broad chest to stop myself from falling into him. We're so close, our noses are almost touching. Goddess, I really could die happy like this. "What pack are you from? What is your name, Lady?" Lady. I'm no longer a thing of ridicule. It stings that all I had to do was put on a scandalous dress and some makeup to look like a Lady. All he'd seen was my maid uniform and my dirty, sweaty hair when he rejected me. I'd told him I loved him and he had laughed in my face. Because I hadn't been dressed in the fineries and luxuries of the other women. Because I had been in rags. I wonder if he'd laugh now if I spoke the same words to him. Boldly, I drop my leg from his hips and stop moving, halting our dance. I lean into his space, whispering, "Forgotten me already?" His eyes are hooded, confused, and I add in the hopeful voice I'd used in confessing my feelings to him, "I love you, Alpha." His entire being goes still. His fingers go cold on my skin and he jerks back swiftly, eyes widening. He stares at me from head to toe, loosening a breath of disbelief. I chuckle, pulling off the mask. The women gasp, and my name starts to ring around the entire hall, as well as my new nickname. I take one step toward Alpha Kier, swaying my hips as I move. He doesn't move an inch. He understands what I'm about to do. It is customary to thank the Alpha for the dance. A kiss to the cheek is in order. I rise on my toes, ensuring my lips brush against his cheek and he shudders. I don't stop there. I feel angry, wild and insane. So, I do something else no one in their right mind should. I bite on Alpha Kier's earlobe and whisper, "Try not to think too much of me, Alpha." With that, I toss the mask on the ground and leave, but not before I smile at Moira. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.
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