4. Steal Some Clothes For The Ball

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I am the talk of the castle, and possibly the entirety of Neredia. That, however, is the least of my problems. The stunt I pulled had the Alpha’s mother, Luna Renae, order the Head Maid to multiply my chores, including clearing out the stables. I am not only the talk of the castle, I have become a laughingstock as well. Mad Jessamine, they’ve nicknamed me. Luna Renae’s aim is to keep me so occupied, I won’t be able to keep up with the tasks given to the contenders. I groan, tossing the rake into the wall. There’s a ball later tonight to celebrate the start of the selection. Tonight, Alpha Kier will take the hand of the most beautifully dressed woman in the gathering and gift her with a dance. The ball is mask-themed, to ensure everyone gets a fair chance. I don’t have a dress, or shoes, and I smell like horseshit. But I will attend that ball. It is the first step in my plan. An hour to the ball, I finish cleaning the stables and head back to the castle. I sight Lovette on the spiraling staircases and I wave at her. “Lov—“ She takes one look in my direction and turns the other way, walking briskly. Frowning, I jog up to her, ignoring the maids who hold their noses as I run past, as well as the elegantly dressed contenders who laugh at me. “Lovette,” I say, grabbing her arm. “Why are you avoiding me?” Lovette looks at me and I notice her eyes are red-rimmed. She yanks her hand from my grip, smacking me in the shoulder. “You promised you wouldn’t do anything stupid, and I should’ve known better than agreeing to cover for you. Now, I’m being punished for it.” My brows furrow in confusion. “What do you mean?” She sniffs, wiping tears from under her eyes. “Beta Randale found out we started the fight as a distraction for you to get your name on the list. I’m getting banished from the pack.” My heart slows. “What?” Angrily, she wipes her cheeks again. “Do you really not see past your stupid delusions? You know I have nowhere else to go. You know lone wolves do not survive outside the pack. Why did you need to do all of that, Jessamine?! Can you not be like the rest of us who are content with what we have and cast stones in the wishing well for our mates to come our way? Why does it have to be the Alpha?!” Her words are like a slap to my face, and they hurt me deep in my heart. “I’m sorry, Lovette. I didn’t think—“ “No. You never think of anyone other than yourself.” I reach for her arm, but she steps back, anger darkening her eyes. My hands drop to my sides and a small sob escapes me. “I’m really sorry. I’ll speak to Alpha Kier—“ Lovette laughs at me. “And he’ll listen to you? Everyone knows after the stunt you pulled today, you will never find favor in his eyes. You insulted him and challenged him, in front of his subjects. I’m surprised he didn’t have you thrown in the dungeons.” “Then I’ll speak to Gamma Lloyd. He’ll listen to me,” I say to her and take her warm hand in mine. “Trust me, Lovette. I’ll handle this.” Lovette pulls away. “I’d be a fool to trust a crazy woman.” She walks away without another word and even I know I’ve messed up. I didn’t think Lovette would get in trouble when I enlisted her help. We’ve been friends since forever, and she’s loved me like a sister would. I can’t let her get thrown out because of me. She’s right. Lone wolves do not survive outside the pack. Rogues kill them. There are six floors in the Alpha King’s castle. I’m headed to the third floor where the Beta and Gamma’s rooms are located, as well as the libraries and training halls. I’m running up the steps someone calls out to me. “Jessamine Everhart.” I turn to find Lady Moira walking up the stairs with a considerable amount of contenders flocking about her. She stands out from them. She is beautiful and graceful in a way the others aren’t. Her skin glows under the soft light and her dress is the most beautiful I have ever seen. It flows around her, light and ethereal, a soft pink that gives an air of innocence and seduces as well. Competition. This woman who is as stunning as a goddess is one of those I will be competing with for the Alpha’s attention. My chest feels tight. How can I beat that? She stops walking in front of me and her cherry stained lips kick up into a smirk as she takes me in. “One would think that after your performance, you’d be ready for the ball.” Someone makes a choked sound beside her. “She reeks of hay and dung.” “Add desperation to that list,” another says and they burst out laughing. “Is there a reason why you called for me?” I ask, reeling in my annoyance and trapping it in a place it won’t escape from, lest I push these women off the stairs. Moira steps forward, a wicked smile dancing on her lips. “Of course. I wished to commend you. I’ve never met anyone as shameless as you are.” I sketch a mocking bow. “Well, the pleasure is all mine.” She leans forward, words dropping into a low whisper, “Word has it that the Alpha already has his eyes set on someone. I would really hate to see you heart broken when he takes my hand tonight.” And though I absolutely reek and have hay in my hair, as well as dung on my cheek, I move into her space. “I won’t be, because he will not be dancing with you, Moira.” I leave before she can respond and I might just give into my intrusive thoughts and yank her pretty hair off. I sigh as I walk. Now I’ve opened my big mouth and made a claim. Where am I going to get a dress? More importantly, how do I get this stench off me? **************** “Enter,” Gamma Lloyd’s muffled sound reaches me from the other side of the door when I knock. He looks up from the papers on his desk as I enter his study. His lips tip into a rueful smile. “Little Jess,” he coos. “I leave for one day and I hear you’ve wrecked the castle.” Heat creeps up my cheeks. The Gamma and I aren’t particularly close, but over the years, I’ve grown on him, especially with the amount of times he caught me stalking Alpha Kier. “I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble.” He chuckles, waving me over. “It’s never trouble when it comes to you. What do you need?” I start to talk when something in the corner of his study catches my attention. On a large couch, there sit several gift boxes with names attached to them, but atop all of that. . .there is a dress. Lady Moira’s dress pales in comparison to this masterpiece. It’s so beautiful, I am moved to tears. I’d look like a Luna if I wore that. “What are those?” I ask Gamma Lloyd, eyes never leaving the red dress. “Luna Renae requested that I get gifts for the contenders who do not get chosen and will return home.” A slight pause. “The dress will be worn by the woman the Alpha chooses to be his Luna at the end of the selection.” I force my gaze away from it to find Gamma Lloyd watching me with those brilliant black eyes that seem to see through everything. “I came here to make a plea. My friend, Lovette, is getting banished from the pack. Can you help me? She has nowhere else to go. She didn’t do anything. It was all my mistake and she doesn’t have to suffer for it.” Gamma Lloyd leans back in his seat. “It’ll be a little difficult. . .but I’ll do what I can.” I smile. “Oh, thank you so much!” I squeal. We have a little chitchat after that, but the entire time, my eyes keep drifting back to the dress. It’s why I do the second craziest thing in my life. I wait around in the hallway and when I see Gamma Lloyd leave, I sneak into this study and borrow the dress. And while I’m at it, I borrow a mask too. Of course I’ll return them. Right after I steal the show.
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