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Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains un-awakened. The real empathy enters one's soul when he starts to love animals, it is the kind of love unasked for. The unconditional love where one learns to give and wants nothing in return, where one's happiness do not depend on the materialist objects anymore and where one realizes how beautiful it is to love selflessly. As it is said, love needs no language, its the emotion, the connection that matters. These beautiful people have poured their heart out about their feelings for their pets. It is incredibly delightful to know that such people, who feel so much love for animals, still exist in today's self-centered world. To feel how it is to be able to be loved and to be able to give so much love, amazing people who teach us the art of selfless devotion.

Here is one unique story of how this girl is so attached to this . The story is :One young girl her named Rose, She lived in a small town. She lived with her family at a small town. She was good at heart . She is a loyal girl. She admires the nature . She plays to fun with her pet . She nurturing a one lovely cat its name is called Dolly. She loves her cat very much . She always feel very comfy with her cat more than her friends. Her beloved cat is 14 year old. Two days back her pet Dolly went to play on the beach. On his way back to the car he accidentally drank salt water from the sea. Yesterday morning it was not able to move or walk. It was just lying on the bed. It didn’t eat food or drink any water the whole day. I got on a video call to my cousin she was working in bangalore. By evening her cat was slightly better. It was walking slowly and ate 2 biscuits, but didn’t drink any water at all. It was fagged out completely when usually it is very active. After she finished her call she just kept saying in my mind, “Thank you god for Dolly’ s good health. Then after a few hours, she get a w******p video and a message from her cousin saying that it was walking properly and it was eating the food and drinking his water. I felt so very happy.

One day abruptly, she was heartbroken to think of her Dolly when it was trying to run away after the accident. She have read somewhere that cats already get to know when they are gonna die, so it try to ran away from their owner, so their owner won’t get hurt. Then next day evening, Dolly came home she feel very happy and emotional. But Dolly had a wound in right leg. It seem like some one has beat its leg.

Then she patted her cat . After few hours, that evening Dolly took some food and water to her cat. She fed the cat , gave him a little fresh water to drink and made a new bed of leaves for Dolly. She did this every day. As soon as her Dolly could walk, Rose took her home. The broken leg was a little crooked, but it was strong. The cat also loved Rose dearly too and followed her everywhere. They lived together happily for a long time. They play with each other regularly. Rose friend Merry also come to play with the her cat Dolly. Slowly and gradually, Dolly became a part of Rose’s thick friend.

One day, Rose felt terrible and weak because of a stomach ache. Dolly noticed that she was not feeling well, going up and down the stairs, Rose and suddenly cried out of pain. Whole day Dolly was starring her. It was as though the cat was worried and feel sad for her.

Pets are supposed to protect householders from burglars. One day, Dolly when it comes to performing after dark, many pets fail to live up to the expectations. Her Dolly fell asleep after consuming more cookies offered by burglars who decamped with cash and ornaments. Dozing off on a critical night when burglars break in and barking at the moon the whole night for almost the entire year is simply a case of dismal performance that calls for dismissal.

Rose said, I have no idea how to keep cat happy and satisfied. Cuddling them, pampering them, or chatting with them to vent frustration is not my cup of tea. I count myself as incompetent to understand the feelings of others. For such a person, understanding the psychology of cats is tougher than clearing a competitive test. Any pet of any lineage would like to get rid of me within a few months of living together. It is downright selfish to torture the poor soul only to improve my sensitivity quotient.

Rose share her feelings about Dolly: Cats are one of the cleanest pets that do not require a lot of effort to maintain. I hardly have to worry about Dolly being dirty as it cleans itself regularly. I conduct a bathing session every month with my mother.

During winters, Dolly gets cold so we have got her a warm coat to protect her from the cold. Dolly remains indoors mostly and never dirties our house. Ever since it was little, she knew where to relieve herself so she is always been low maintenance and love.

Pets are a blessing that only lucky people get to have. I have been lucky enough to have a Dolly like pet.

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Rosejourneyexperiencewith hercat
The real empathy enters one's soul when he starts to love animals, it is the kind of love unasked for. The unconditional love where one learns to give and wants nothing in return, where one's happiness do not depend on the materialist objects anymore and where one realizes how beautiful it is to love selflessly. As it is said, love needs no language, its the emotion, the connection that matters. These beautiful people have poured their heart out about their feelings for their pets. It is incredibly delightful to know that such people, who feel so much love for animals, still exist in today's self-centered world. To feel how it is to be able to be loved and to be able to give so much love, amazing people who teach us the art of selfless devotion. Cats are creatures of habit. . Making their environment as comfortable and familiar as possible is key. Rose packed Dolly ‘s favourite blankets so we could lay them out at Airings for her to curl up on. Anything — toys, chews, scratching posts, etc. — that already has your cat’s scent on it is a good thing. Planning and patience is required to train your cat to love traveling. We will love it, others will merely tolerate the journey. A few will always and forever be happier in a kennel . Just don’t write off the idea of sharing the adventures without taking time to introduce the cat to the idea properly. Rose 's cat Dolly that travelled over 10,000 miles with her, and If Rose have a dog she hates riding in the car. No amount of rewards or slow introductions changes his mind.

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