Five Hundred Dollars

1496 Words

My cheeks got as hot as a frying pan as Jerry locked eyes with me. I was so embarrassed! I looked down quickly, hoping he didn’t recognize me. I thought I would never see him again and that was part of what convinced me to do “it”, but fate can be so cruel sometimes. I took a chance and looked up. Jerry had disappeared into the booth. Perhaps he didn’t recognize me, I thought. Even if he did, maybe he is just as embarrassed as I am, and he won’t say anything to me. I wanted to leave, but I needed that money. I moved to a different area hoping that he wouldn’t spot me when he came out of the booth. I sat down on the floor like many of the others and tried to make myself invisible. A few minutes later, Jerry came out of the booth and looked over at the spot I was standing in before. Jer

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