The revelation

682 Words
The librarian came back with a black leather book, he put it on the desk, the book had no title and it was closed with a button "I was entrusted with this journal, it belonged to your father, it cannot be opened by anyone but they who have the same blood as him, it was lost, no one knew he had an heir, word of warning, don't tell anyone who you are" he warned "But why?" I asked "Did you read about him?, the prophecy?" I nodded, "it is said that the first born of Edward Long would rule over the realm, but you're a woman, and the council would sooner kill you than allow you to rule" I was gobsmacked, this wasn't their decision to make, it's what the prophecy revealed "look my advise? Read his journal, see what it says then make your decision" he was right, I nodded a thank you, and he left. Robert and I left the library and made our way back to my house, Robert, however, decided to stay in the other realm he decided I needed space, he was probably right, so he walked me to the cave, said goodbye, and left, the question did I want to be part of this world lingered in the air as I walked into the study, closed the floor, and made my way into the kitchen, I made myself a bacon sandwich, and sat at the dining table to read the journal, it took me less than ten minutes to read the whole thing, everything made more sense now. After the prophecy was revealed to Edward and Maria they were happy, but they knew a girl wouldn't make it too far, so they prayed for a boy, they told no one of the pregnancy when Maria became pregnant, and moved to the mortal world, telling friends that they were going on holiday, they lived in the mortal world and checked into a mortal hospital when the time to give birth came. When a girl was born, they decided that the only way to keep her safe was to give her up, they found a mortal couple that had no children of their own, they went to their house and explained the situation, Edward explained to Steven the he was a witch and he explained the prophecy and also explained how his daughter was in danger due to the prophecy, Steven promised that he would look after young Anastasia, Edward asked Steven to send Anastasia to the other realm on her sixteenth birthday, so that she can receive her powers, to this Steven and his wife both promised. The journal ended there, and things started to make sense now, after Edward gave me to Steven the council must have found out that Edward had broken a rule, so the council killed him and his wife, then they must have gone to kill the mortals, but when they saw that the mortals had a child they settled to wipe their memories instead, and because Steven and Caroline had no memory of meeting Edward they didn't send me to the other realm on my sixteenth birthday. Now it was time to decide what I should do, the prophecy stated I was a ruler, but the realm wasn't ready for a female ruler, but it was my right, but I knew nothing of this world, I knew nothing about being a witch, and most importantly I had no powers. I went to the other realm nearly three hours before my initiation, I was walking along a stoney path, it had beautiful smelling flowers on either side, I had no idea where this path would lead me, but it helped me think, I knew what my prophecy stated but was I ready to take on the world to get what was rightfully mine? I came to a wooden bench that overlooked the town, I was on a hill now, and I could see a river and many houses, I sat down, not even close to making a decision. Sorry for short chapter.
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