Stay with me

804 Words
I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, black silk sheets, a masculine bedroom, wait this was Damon's bedroom, I had been here before, I sat up to see a wooden chair in a corner next to the door, in the chair was Damon, his head rested on his hand which was propped up by his elbow on the arm of the chair and his eyes were closed, I remembered what he had done, I gasped my hand went to my neck, I felt for his bite mark, but it was heeled. "I heeled you" Damon said I turned to see his eyes were still closed, as if answering my un asked question he carried on, "my eyes are closed because I'm worried, I don't want to see the fear in your eyes, the fear you probably have, after what I did" he stopped, not able to go on, I could see he was upset, a tear rolled down his eye, then another, and another, the man was crying, I got off the bed and walked to him, still a little unsteady but I made it, I leaned over him and wiped away his bloody tears, he held my hand in his, and kissed it "Please open your eyes" I whispered with a pleading tone "I'm not scared of you" I assured "there is no fear" he opened his eyes slowly and saw me looking at him, smirking "I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop, your blood, after you confessed your love, the taste changed, it tasted amazing, like an addictive drug, I'm so sorry" he cried more now still whispering sorry, he looked down in shame, "It's ok" I assured, "you did stop, look I'm right here, I'm fine" I lifted his head to show him I was okay "You could've died" he whispered again I shook my head "I'm still here" I assured, "I love you Damon, and that will never change" I was no longer afraid to show my love "I love you Anastasia, that will never change" he told me, we kissed again, and we held each other close. There was a knock on the door, and by the sound of the heartbeat we knew who it was, I was a little worried but Damon wasn't, he answered the door "Thomas, please come in" Damon greeted, I met him as he came into the living room, he charged at me, but I was quicker, and I blinked behind him next to Damon, "now, now Thomas, let's talk about this" Damon pleaded, Thomas turned around to face Damon and saw me "Talk?, She hurt my daughter" he shouted charging at me again, I blinked away again "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, Thomas, I'm truly sorry" I apologised, Damon appeared in front of Thomas with a drink "Have a bourbon, we'll talk" Damon instructed, showing him his sexy smirk, not that Thomas was fazed by it, knowing I was hiding behind this hunk of a man, and knowing I could blink, he obliged, he sat on the couch on one end, Damon sat next to him, on the other end I sat on the arm of the couch next to Damon, I had my arm around his shoulders for support, and he had his hand on my thigh, Thomas took a sip of the drink, and Damon signalled me to talk, I took a deep breath and began "Thomas, I didn't know Kristen was your daughter, I promise, I don't know what happened" Damon gave my thigh a squeeze as a sign of support but you don't want to know what it was actually doing "So what? You go round hurting anyone?" Thomas shrieked, he stood up, and Damon and I did the same "No" I held my hands up in defence "it really was an accident, Thomas, the way she was looking at Damon, the way she was touching him" I stopped talking, my cheeks burned as Thomas looked from me to Damon, then back at me "I'm sorry" I whispered looking down in shame, Thomas said nothing, he walked out of the house without a word or a backward glance, Damon called after him but Thomas did not listen, Damon came back into the room after closing the front door "Well, that went well" he commented I looked at him as he winked, I smiled and shook my head, he smiled too, giving me a sideway hug, my head on his chest. I ended up staying at Damon's house, he asked me to stay, and I couldn't say no, not that I wanted to, we spent the night in his bed, kissing, talking, hugging, touching, but nothing further, there was an unspoken agreement between us, it seemed, that stopped us going too far. Hope you enjoyed that, please vote and comment
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