Book 3 Chapter 27: New Outfit

967 Words

-Isabella- “Tadaaa!” I looked up from the book I was reading to see a sight I never thought I would ever see. My mouth hung open, my eyes grew big, and I was lost for words. I had left my room when I heard Damian was going on a mission. I didn’t dare venture out, fearing I might see him. When they finally left, I had needed a distraction and went to go find a good book to read. I had settled down on the same couch I had been sitting on the night where Lily and the queen had asked me to watch a movie with them. Now the two of them had found me, and while Lily was smiling like a crazy person, the queen looked like she was ready to kill someone. “H-How?” was all that came out of my mouth, as I watched the queen from head to toe. She was wearing a white shirt with some black slacks, and he

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