Book 3 Chapter 24: A Kiss

1144 Words

-Isabella- We’re mates, Isabella… I wasn’t sure I had heard him correctly, but his eyes held such honesty and seriousness, his pulse was steady, a bit too fast maybe, but got the same rhythm throughout the entire sentence. He was being honest … No, that couldn’t be true! It couldn’t! It just… couldn’t. I shook my head slightly. “Do you not feel it? The calling? The need to be around each other … with each other? Don’t tell me, you don’t wonder.” “Wonder?” I whispered. “Wonder what it’s like to feel me closer, to touch me … to kiss me. Or maybe … it’s just so different for you half-bloods, maybe you don’t feel anything?” I could see he was searching my eyes for an answer. What should I say? Did I wonder? I had thought this whole time, the feeling I felt towards him, the humming in my

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