Chapter 6-2

792 Words

Several hours after leaving Tanis, they followed camel and horse tracks off a trading route, and found a small oasis. The date trees stood empty of fruit, but a covered well revealed potable water. The oasis provided some small natural grass for the horses, a creek for bathing, and shade for their heads. “Let’s rest here for at least one day. We seem to be ahead of schedule,” Eli said. “I won’t disagree. I’m tired,” responded Micha. “But, I’ll help you set up the tent.” Eli smiled. Micha dropped the formal use of Egyptian and spoke Hebrew in the last day or two. He also noticed that Micha engaged in conversation more with him since they left Avaris. He liked this more relaxed Micha. He enjoyed his intelligent discussions. Eli forgot how young Micha was compared to him when they spoke. A

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