Chapter 3-1

326 Words
Chapter 3 Modern Day Eli turned the corner, stopped on Joshua’s instruction, then parked the car. The clapboard houses stood apart from each other, separated by brown, weedy patches of grass. “That’s the place I’m staying,” Joshua said. “Thanks for the ride.” Eli stared at the house without saying a word. Looks abandoned. Like a place a homeless person would stay. Joshua continued, “I guess you’ll never tell me how your blood got on the jacket but you seem okay,” Eli nodded, bit his lip, and waited to gather his thoughts as he ignored Joshua’s question. He wanted to scratch the wound that healed a few hours ago but he didn’t want Joshua to know that a bullet pierced through his arm. A clean shot that went through the muscle that would have landed any human in a hospital was now just an itch. But I’m not all human, am I? My absent father made sure of that. “Hey, that guy you were with, he doesn’t live here, does he?” Joshua’s brow scrunched. Eli noticed the worry line that appeared. “What’s it to you?” “I don’t think he’s a good influence. You don’t seem like you should be with him, doing crazy stuff, getting yourself in trouble.” “Seriously, dude.” Joshua laughed. “Are you some kinda social worker? You’re really young if you are one and if that’s the case, you’re wasting your time. Been through all that, through foster homes and juvenile centers. I’m eighteen and I don’t need your help.” Eli shook his head. “No. I didn’t mean to be nosy. Completely out of line for me to even say those things. I’m sorry.” Joshua smiled, started to say something then stopped. “Forget about it. I’ve taken care of myself for a long time. Thanks again,” he whispered. Joshua stared out through the windshield, then turned the car door, stepped out and headed to the house. Before he started up the car, Eli saw Joshua face his direction and wave. Eli started the car again then watched Joshua as he walked toward the house then sighed. It’s not him. I’ll have to go back to Cassadaga to talk to that psychic and demand my money back.
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