Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:this is how to get murdered by a sexy serial killer 101 °°_________________°° "I do not know how you think you can solve anything or why I would let you anyway. I am absolutely okay with the kind of person I am!" I cross my arms just like him before stealing a glance of his thinking face...or what I thought should have been his thinking face. I just find him staring at me like I have a second head sprouting from my shoulder and I have no option but to look back down onto the table. The way eye contact cripples me sometimes needs to be sorted out! I had no idea it could be this bad, unless it is just a matter of who it is because I know for a fact that it has never been such an issue until his eyes landed on mine and I felt like all the things I ever wrote in my diary were being transferred into his brain through my orbs! At least he did not claim to be some sort of mind reader because perhaps I would have been a little concerned! "And sure, you are a little popular. Not popular enough because I do not know you." I admit and he gives me narrow eyes like it is actually unbelievable. "I am more than just kind of popular, and I have been in this place way too long" Just as he begins complaining, the order comes in and as cute and delectable as the cake looks, I cannot begin to imagine myself eating it, so I ask our waitress to pack it up instead and keep my hot chocolate. She rolls her eyes before walking away the same way she came to the table. She returns soon with the bill and before I am reminded of how I left my wallet behind because I was thoroughly convinced that I would just be coming here for a full on confrontation, Ryan pulls out a bunch of bank notes from his wallet, what should be more than enough to order the same thing five times and places it on the table. Our waitress does not bother with counting it after he insists the rest is all hers. Walking away quickly like he might just change his mind, a smile finally finds itself on her face as she expresses gratitude. I do not even want to ask why he just wasted so much money. It is all part of the cocky bastard act! "now tell me we can get the f**k out of here, please!" he looks seriously agitated by the fact that he is being here and I begin to actually feel sorry for him. Sure,I am getting out of here but it will not be with him! "my goodness! I just remembered something, I am late for an evening study session, I really have to go!" the excuse comes to me more naturally than just telling him that we should cut ties right here, right now. "if you still need an explanation, I will see you another time." I have no idea why I add that but it is clear that I want to see him again. Not ideal, Julia! But there is more to it than that. I need to clear my reputation! The next "date" will be with me, him and those four idiots I left in the dorm house explaining exactly what they did! And that is definitely not just an excuse to see him again and figure out how long he can keep pretending to be all Mr cocky and perfectly without emotions that make us all human! He does not even question my excuse and instead just motions for us to head out. He walks into his car, which just so happens to me Jax's dream SUV and a car that should cost like twenty lungs on the black market. I choose to keep the questions flooding into my head to myself and just accept that this is finally over, like it should be... I am walking away when I get startled by a loud honk and am forced to turn around. "Are you out of your mind? Get in. Let me take you back to school." He is standing outside his open door, making it look like I am truly insane for just walking off. He actually looks amused. "I I am fine." I insist and he shakes his head before walking over to grab me. "I know you want me to open the door for you, I was going to, sweet cakes, until you started walking away from me." he explains and I cringe even harder now that I know where the nickname originated. "I taste like a sweet cake. No, many sweet cakes in one." I remember the message so vividly and I wish that was not the case. "Literally, I will be fine! I know how to get to my school just fine." I try to resist walking beside him but he is holding onto my elbow so well and his body warmth is hard to leave behind too. "This kind of behaviour will get you nowhere, you know that? You will just end up cold, little human!" I ignore the fact that he has not snapped out of it as we get to the side of his car and he actually opens the door. "this is how to get murdered by a sexy serial killer 101, you know? I am not falling victim to that!" I explain and his brows arch, making me aware of the word I used on accident. "So she is not repulsed by the sight of me, good to know." I roll my eyes before pushing his car door closed. "I am being serious, I need to head back...without you." I sound more firm this time around and am actually proud of myself for it. "suit yourself, Mrs uptight prick! Just deliver on that second date because now you owe me an explanation. I made the drive here and you did not deliver om your first promise. You do not want to know what kind of punishment I can serve you." He walks back around to the driver's side and I have no idea why I actually feel a bit disappointed that he gave up on driving me back to school so easily. Girls and their complex brains! "I will not be getting punished, whether I deliver or not." I emphasize once I am beside him again. "We will see about that." he gets into the car and I have no idea still why I feel like there is a bit of unresolved business between us. The car drives off fast and it actually feels unreal that the night of my birthday just ended like that! The only unresolved business I should be recognising is not the one the naughty little Julia on my shoulder is focusing on; discovering what he means by the punishment, or why he oozes such mystery.... I must not fall into the same trap twice, I already got burned last time! I should just be happy that I will finally be able to clear my name and he will not think that I am some horny little deluded bimbo!
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