She's My Girlfriend!? 2

946 Words
Leng Haoyu observed Yinqi Qing drenched to the skin, his anger almost propelling him forward to strike Wang Yujie across the face. Fearing her malicious scheming, he instinctively pulled Yinqi Qing behind him, protective and unwilling to see her hurt again. He now understood exactly what his fears entailed... Yinqi Qing, understanding his intentions, reassured him with a confident glance. “Humph, so it appears that even the most cultivated and beautiful women can lose their composure in such an unseemly manner. I, Yinqi Qing, have truly seen it all now,” she remarked coldly, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she eyed Wang Yujie. Wang Yujie, intimidated by Yinqi Qing's commanding presence, involuntarily took a step back. "It seems that ostensibly intelligent women choose to flee when crucial moments arise, leaving one to wonder where their cleverness has vanished to. Such women are disappointingly similar. It truly amazes me—how can the loud, quarrelsome woman from before and this mute figure be one and the same?" Yinqi Qing said disdainfully, casting a contemptuous glance at Wang Yujie. Wang Yujie blushed with indignation, incredulous as she stared at Yinqi Qing, her fists clenched tightly. “You… you are being utterly unreasonable…!” Wang Yujie pointed at Yinqi Qing, trembling. "Unreasonable? If I were truly being unreasonable, you would not be standing here so composed! Where exactly have I offended you, you irrational and frenzied woman?" Yinqi Qing's brows furrowed slightly as she massaged her temples—a gesture well-known to those familiar with her as a sign of her rising anger. Leng Haoyu, perceiving her gaze, tactfully stood aside, silently observing and admiring the ferocity of the two women. His intelligence allowed him to know when to advance and when to retreat, yet he continued to look solemnly at Wang Yujie. He finally saw another side of Yinqi Qing, understanding that she could also show forbearance, and he greatly admired such a woman. Wang Yujie no longer watched Yinqi Qing in surprise but looked at her quizzically. "Isn’t Leng Haoyu known for preferring gentle women? How could he fall for such a fierce woman?" "Do you really have a girlfriend? Is it really her?" Wang Yujie asked Leng Haoyu, puzzled. "Yes, you guessed right. I do have a girlfriend, and it is indeed Yinqi Qing," Leng Haoyu declared, choosing to ignore the earlier nodding scene. It was a point of no return for him, and he had to admit his choice as he did not want this woman to bother him anymore. He also wanted to see her reaction, unaware that he had perhaps taken things too far. Yinqi Qing was stunned upon hearing this. When had she become his girlfriend? What exactly was this man trying to do? Just when she had begun to think better of him, he had pulled this stunt! Wang Yujie was also stunned. Had his tastes changed? Or was he merely playing with her? Yinqi Qing now finally understood who all the previous comments were about. She had always thought they were about another woman but hadn't realized they pertained to her. She cynically noted to herself that she, too, had been played, and quite thoroughly at that. With a mix of confusion and anger, she watched Leng Haoyu, her nails digging into her palms. Leng Haoyu responded with a charming smile. Yinqi Qing saw it and found it utterly irritating. "So, Miss Wang, you may leave now," Leng Haoyu said, watching Yinqi Qing's expression, his demeanor suddenly stinging with cold detachment as he addressed the purposeful woman. "Humph, so your taste is merely this after all!" Wang Yujie scornfully remarked, looking at Yinqi Qing. "Indeed, I am merely thus, but still better than a hysterical woman, better than one who alternates between shouting and silence," Yinqi Qing retorted, her arms crossed as she stared down Wang Yujie. "You..." Wang Yujie gasped, her breathing uneven with fury. "How so, Miss Wang? To cast aside your poise over a man—whether this indicates foolishness or an infatuated heart, I cannot say. Here’s something for you: A person who does not know how to respect herself does not deserve the respect of others. Also, seeing as how you are so devoted, I shall leave this indiscriminately affectionate man to you!" With sharp eyes, Yinqi Qing gestured towards Leng Haoyu, her lips curling into a smirk as she departed from this place of conflict. Leng Haoyu half-squinted, listening to her label him as indiscriminately affectionate and offering him to another woman. He intended to rebut but was captivated by her smile—a sweet, angelic smile, yet her departing gaze was devilish. Regardless of whether she was a demon or an angel, he was enthralled, eager to uncover just what kind of woman she really was, to assert that he was indeed a man tossed aside so casually. His male pride was utterly vanquished by her hands; he wondered if he truly lacked allure. Startled, Leng Haoyu turned to see only the stylish silhouette of Yinqi Qing. He had to clarify—why would she say such a thing? He chased after her. Wang Yujie had never seen a woman smile so sweetly. She was quite attractive herself, but next to Yinqi Qing, she felt utterly inferior. Watching the two depart one after the other, she stood there foolishly, fuming as she muttered, "Leng Haoyu, this isn’t over. I won’t let you go!" It seemed she had not taken the lesson to heart—foolish indeed. But unbeknownst to others, Yinqi Qing's smile was not genuine—it was sly, revealing that perhaps others had not yet seen her true smile…
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