Nightmare 1

1018 Words
Yinqi Qing gazed absently at the stars in the sky, reminiscent of another day, but now the world has changed. "Father, Mother, look at the stars in the sky, they are so beautiful! Twinkling like fireflies!" Seven-year-old Yinqi Qing's face lit up with a radiant smile as she pointed to the stars, her eyes brimming with joy. "My dear, come here to Daddy! The stars in the sky are indeed beautiful, but my darling's eyes are even more dazzling, like my wife's, containing a galaxy!" Yinqi Jieqi spoke with paternal warmth, pulling his daughter closer and placing her on his lap, adoringly watching her. "Daddy, is what you said true? Mommy, Daddy said my eyes are the most beautiful, just like yours!" The innocent and adorable Yinqi Qing, hearing her father's praise, felt no shyness. And her mother blushed like an apple beside them! "Yes, my Qing'er is the most beautiful, the most adorable, and the happiest girl in the world." A picture of happiness and harmony, yet beneath it lay an unsettling aura. "Qing'er, what are you thinking? I've been calling you for so long, and you haven't responded!" Song Zhiqiao watched Yinqi Qing gazing thoughtfully at the sky, her eyes filled with happiness. "Qiao qiao, you scared me! I wasn't thinking about anything, just looking at the stars! You arrived so quickly, courtesy of Mr. Pei!" Yinqi Qing stood up from her chair, startled by Song Zhiqiao's sudden appearance, pointing behind her. "Uh... Qing'er, you... By the way, is everything okay at the cafe today? Then you should head back first, I'll take over here!" Though not the first time Yinqi Qing had teased her, Song Zhiqiao still blushed. "I understand. I won't disturb you two. A rather arrogant man showed up at the cafe today, apparently some sort of CEO. He forgot the time while on the phone, letting his coffee get cold, and poor Maya got scolded. But rest assured, as one of the managers of 'Autumn Love', I handled it. However, if there are any issues later, I might have to trouble your Mr. Pei, as I seem to have offended him!" Yinqi Qing calmly reported the situation as if it were of little consequence to her. "Uh... Qing'er, you wouldn't have resorted to violence, would you?" Song Zhiqiao swallowed nervously, her face showing sorrow for the CEO, knowing that Yinqi Qing was a third-generation black belt in Taekwondo! "Qiao qiao, what are you thinking? I didn't lay a hand on him; he wasn't worthy of it, being so conceited!" Yinqi Qing affectionately offered Song Zhiqiao some candied chestnuts, urging her not to overthink. "Uh, Qing'er, it hurts! Yun, where were you? You didn't even intervene, and you said you'd protect me!" Song Zhiqiao pouted, glaring at Pei Yun. "Qiao qiao, didn't you say I shouldn't interfere when you and Qing'er are arguing? Did I do something wrong again? Besides, if it hurts you, it hurts me more in my heart..." Pei Yun looked at Song Zhiqiao with a helpless expression, his unfinished words silenced by her glare. "Hey, you two, is this the right place for romance?" Yinqi Qing pressed her temples, pointing at herself innocently. "It's all your fault, Yun. Take Qing'er home!" Song Zhiqiao blushed like an apple, nudging Pei Yun's stomach with her elbow! "Qiao qiao, can't you be a little gentler with me? It hurts a lot, you know. Besides, you're a third-generation black belt in Taekwondo!" Pei Yun kindly reminded Song Zhiqiao, earning him an eye-roll. "Qiao qiao, I don't need Yun to take me home. Anyway, my house isn't far from here! Remember to tell Maya and the others that I'm leaving. Bye-bye, I don't want to be a third wheel anymore!" Yinqi Qing said before running off. "Qiao qiao, why are you so gentle with Qing'er but..." Pei Yun hugged Song Zhiqiao's shoulder, puzzled. "How do you want me to treat you? During this time, I've been responsible for closing the cafe, which means you have to come help me at night, no excuses!" Song Zhiqiao looked at Pei Yun with innocent, pleading eyes. "Qiao qiao, why is it always you during this time?" "Qing'er loves autumn, so I let her spend more time outside. Only in autumn can she sleep most peacefully, feeling safer at home. Soon it will be winter, and that's when she'll take charge. I know what you're going to ask. Winter is Qing'er's 'nightmare', an injury she can never heal from in this lifetime!" Song Zhiqiao tightly held Pei Yun's hand. Pei Yun looked at Song Zhiqiao with a mix of sadness and tenderness, feeling her grip tighten on his hand. He dared not ask further! Simple-minded Yinqi Qing prefers a simple home decor: a bed, a wardrobe, a computer! For her, it's just a place to rest, never feeling the warmth. Therefore, she rarely stays in this 'resting place', spending most of her time at "Autumn Love", the orphanage, or the Taekwondo gym! Yinqi Qing, accustomed to making a cup of coffee when she returns home, then takes a shower. She enjoys wearing oversized pajamas with cartoon characters while drinking coffee! She knows coffee is for alertness; she just hopes not to fall asleep, fearing that she'll see that scene, that bloodcurdling night! But today, she seems genuinely tired and falls asleep as soon as she lies down. Lying in bed, Yinqi Qing gradually enters the realm of dreams! A crimson maple forest catches her eye, and she runs towards it, laughing joyfully, picking up maple leaves from the ground! But this maple forest suddenly turns into her home in an instant! Yinqi Qing tightly clutches the blanket, cold sweat on her forehead. She shakes her head, trying to scream but unable to make a sound! She feels her heart ache, her body curling up in discomfort! Yinqi Qing looks around in panic, everything unchanged, just like that b****y night! She weakly leans against the wall, a look of helplessness on her face, her fists clenched, nails sinking into her palms, staring at the window and shouting, "No, no..."
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