Ghost Land

1100 Words

His voice sounded far, I could hear him calling out my name. But I was truly upset with him, all I wanted was to get away from him. Her voice then calling me closer, as I walked into her world. I could feel myself getting into a different realm. I had never experienced this before. It was all new for me. I feel nervous, yet curious at the same time. It was dark, I felt like I was being watched by hundreds pair of eyes. But I kept on following her voice. "Come with me pretty one..." Marie said to me, l could feel her hovering beside me. My hand felt cold as if she was touching me, nudging me to go forward with my steps. "Marie...where are we going? I'm cold, this place is too cold for me...." I told her. I could feel my body was shivering, I could see my own breath. "

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