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‘’Of course! The Spacers League is after all ready to spend some 278 million credits on that refit, so we might as well make sure that it is done right. I already received from the League all the materiel and systems for that refit, so we will be ready to start as soon as we agree on how to make it. You did say on your last call that you wanted to spend some of your own millions on personal work to be done on your ship. What did you have in mind exactly?’’ ‘’You remember my complaint about not having a seaside beach? Well, I want one! I would like you to use the free overhead space available over the northern and eastern quadrants of the forest ecosystems occupying my ship’s bow section to build a false beach with a false lake of sweet water at least twenty meters wide, on Level 24. I would also like to add some extra agricultural surfaces over the rest of those two quadrants, in order to boost my cereals production. Right now, my wheat production levels are barely enough to fill my minimum needs and I still have to buy wheat grain from time to time.’’ ‘’I see! With the trees in your Boreal Forest and Temperate Broadleaf Forest not growing higher than about seventy meters, we have a good twenty meters or more of free height to play with in order to build those new deck surfaces. Supporting those new decks above your forests will not be a problem: I will simply suspend them from your bow shield structure above them.’’ ‘’I knew that you would find quickly a way to do this, Gustav.’’ said Tina in an enthusiastic tone. Now, about that artificial beach…’’ By the time that she left Shomberg’s office some fifty minutes later, Tina was satisfied that her ship was in good hands for its refit. Now, it remained for her to see what the Koorivars wanted to tell her. Despite being visibly alien creatures, she knew them to be pacifist, good-natured beings whose talents were mostly geared towards the arts rather than technology. Added to the fact that they were vegetarians and didn’t eat meat or fish, this made the average Koorivar a normally agreeable person. Her mind was still dancing around that question when she arrived back at the reception desk of her ship’s eastern access gallery, again being driven by the scooter driver loaned by Shomberg. Stopping at the reception desk, she asked a question to Natalia Vasilyeva, the tall blonde who worked as the ship’s Chief Hostess. ‘’Natalia, did a group of Koorivars arrive aboard in the last hour?’’ ‘’Yes! Four of them, including Administrator Sheraz, arrived some twenty minutes ago by shuttle and were then led to your private suite on Level 24. They are presently waiting for you there, along with Captain Shanandar.’’ ‘’Perfect! Thanks, Natalia!’’ ‘’My pleasure, Tina.’’ The questions in her mind redoubled at the mention of Administrator Sheraz, who was the political leader of the some 22,000 Koorivar refugees who had been saved on Eris by the KOSTROMA and who were now living on the northern portion of Vancouver Island, on lands graciously given to them by the President of the Northern Alliance, Claudia d’Arcy. If he had come, then that meant that what was to be discussed probably concerned all the Koorivars. Hoping that some kind of local dispute was not at play here, Tina made her way up to her private suite on Level 24, just under the bridge complex. Her suite, along with the suites allotted to the other senior officers of the ship, had a dominant view of one of the four forest ecosystems Tina had made built inside the bow section of her ship. Each of these ecosystems, housing a distinct type of vegetation and climate and carefully separated from the three other ecosystems, covered a surface of 7.1 hectares and had a free height of up to 95 meters, allowing even the tallest trees on Earth to grow in them. However, even when planting already half-grown trees at the time the new bow section had been built, that had been less than four years ago, so her forests were still growing up and would continue to do so for decades. Still, the view she had from her suite of the Temperate Rain Forest ecosystem, in the western quadrant of the bow section, was nearly enough to make someone forget that they were aboard a ship of space. When she entered her suite she found five Koorivars, all of them of at least mature age, waiting for her in the main lounge, which had a nice view of the forest below. All five got up at her appearance, with one coming to her for a hug. ‘’Tina, thank you for receiving us!’’ ‘’It’s my pleasure, Shanandar. Your request certainly sounded urgent. Is there some kind of problem brewing up on Vancouver Island?’’ ‘’Not a problem, Tina.’’ replied Administrator Sheraz, standing a few paces away. ‘’In fact, Vancouver Island is close to a paradise for my people and I will never thank your people enough for the gift they gave us. The reason we came here has to do with a stunning discovery that Doctor Koomak, to my left, made recently. Doctor Koomak?’’ The oldest Koorivar present quickly bowed to Tina before starting to speak. ‘’Pleased to finally meet you, Captain Foster. On Shouria, I was considered one of the top physicists among my people, with my specialty being astrophysics. I recently attended an international conference on physics in Vancouver and something said during that conference struck my mind and started a wild idea. Well, after I presented that idea to Shanya, the central computer of the VEON SHOURIA, it turned out that my idea was not so wild after all. In fact, Shanya ran a computer simulation based on it and found it to be fully viable. To make a long story short, I believe that I found a way for us to travel around the stars and find back the two other evacuation ships which left Shouria before its destruction, some 361 years ago.’’ Tina was silent for a moment, frozen speechless by Koomak’s declaration, before she was able to ask the first of many questions now popping up in her mind. ‘’Travel around the stars? And at what speed?’’ ‘’If my calculations are correct: near instantaneous speed. Basically, the idea is to use some of the properties of our anti-matter creation process to deform the fabric of space itself and open a temporary wormhole between two star systems. All the theoretical calculations and simulations have been done by now, but we still have to conduct test runs to make sure that my invention is fully viable and safe to be used. That is where we would need your help and that of your friend, Gustav Shomberg, to build an experimental drone craft and test it before adapting what Captain Shanandar is now calling the ‘Koomak Drive’ to your ship. Once all that is done, we would then solicit your help to go find our compatriots lost among the stars.’’ Tina, stunned by all this, had to sit on a sofa before she could speak again. ‘’But, even if your ‘Koomak Drive’ proves to work as planned, why go after the two sister ships of the VEON SHOURIA? Why not let them arrive at their intended destinations and settle there?’’ ‘’For the same reasons which necessitated your KOSTROMA to save the VEON SHOURIA from its icy tomb on Eris, Tina.’’ answered Shanandar, the captain of the VEON SHOURIA. ‘’Remember how the computer controlling our interstellar flight failed due to old age and how all our reserves of seeds meant to provide us with crops had turned bad? Well, we are afraid that the same things will happen to both the SHUNDAR and the SHANIZAR. If and when that happens, the last 44,000 Koorivars in existence will be wiped out and will disappear, leaving only my compatriots now living on Vancouver Island as survivors of my race. When I left Shouria in cryogenic sleep, along with my first contact crew, I fully expected our systems to survive well our long voyage and for our reserves of seeds to keep intact. However, as you know too well, our systems failed us, badly. We don’t want the same things to happen to the SHUNDAR and to the SHANIZAR if we can avoid it. We are ready to pay with the help of our gold reserves for the building of a prototype craft and for its testing, then for modifying your KOSTROMA if Doctor Koomak’s drive proves to be both effective and safe. So, what do you think, Tina?’’ ‘’I…I don’t know, really. I see so many implications from this, many of them political, implications of the same kind which were created by the announced existence of your anti-matter drive. Remember the troubles that brought to both me and you. A woman even lost her life because of it, while many more could have been killed as well. On the other hand, you should know that the Spacers League is about to sink over a quarter billion credits into a refit that will add many new weapons, fire control systems and ship armor to my KOSTROMA. As a reservist officer of the Spacers League Navy, I don’t have any more full freedom to use my ship as I wish, unless I am ready to break some rules in the process. Finally, would it be fair to develop an effective interstellar ship drive system, only to hide it from the rest of Humanity? Exploring the stars around us has been a dream for a long time for Humanity. To keep that dream to myself sounds wrong to me.’’ Sheraz slowly nodded his head in response, understanding her hesitations and misgivings. ‘’You are indeed right to ask yourself all these questions, Tina. You are proving again that you have a clear head about those things, which is to your credit. I agree with you that a viable interstellar ship drive is too big a gift to keep to only ourselves. The real question is: can Humanity use it in a peaceful way, without embarking on voyages of conquests, like it happened too often in your Humanity’s history? Can Humans find a livable home among the stars without taking it away by force from any potential alien life forms which would already be living on those worlds?’’ ‘’That is a very good and pertinent question indeed, Sheraz. I fervently hope that at least the Spacers League and the Northern Alliance would prove worthy of such an interstellar drive. As for the rest of Earth, I am not so sure.’’ ‘’Then, here are two important questions for you, Tina: first, how much confidence do you have in the discretion and honesty of your friend, Gustav Shomberg? Second, how much do you trust Governor Robeson and President d’Arcy?’’ Tina didn’t have to think look before replying to the Koorivar politician. ‘’Gustav Shomberg, apart from being a genius ship designer, is both a most decent man and a person with strong moral convictions. I would trust him with my life. As for Governor Robeson and President d’Arcy, while both of them are politicians who can play a good game like any other politicians, both are decent women who truly care about their citizens and who take the notion of public service seriously. If approached discretely, I am convinced that we could arrive at a fair deal on how to use in the future your new Koomak Drive, that is of course if it proves to work.’’ ‘’I am pretty sure that it will work, Captain Foster.’’ replied the old physicist. ‘’The only things left to do is to build a prototype robotic craft and test it properly. I already have the technical drawing of such a ship, which of course also includes an anti-matter drive.’’ ‘’Then, we shall pay a visit to Gustav Shomberg as a group tomorrow.’’ declared Tina, now convinced. ‘’In the meantime, you are all invited to have supper here and spend the night aboard. This will also give me a chance to go get my little Misha at the crew’s daycare center, so that I can present him to you, along with my husband Michel.’’ 10:10 (Greenwich Universal Time) Friday, January 9, 2320 Work office of Gustav Shomberg Avalon Space Yards, Earth orbit
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