+CHAPTER 17+ A Doomed Future

3282 Words

"Tell me again why don’t you eat meat?” Connor asked in almost a sullen tone at which Rubby was finding it very hard not to laugh at him. She found this silly side of him wholly adorable. . . After a two-hour-long bike ride, Connor had bought her on a hilltop for a romantic candlelight dinner date which had ended in flames when he came to know that Rubby was a vegetarian and she didn’t eat meat and to his bad luck he had selected the menu with every dish containing beef. If he hadn’t bought a cake for dessert then Rebecca was going to remain hungry on her first-ever date. “My dad was a vegetarian and it seems like I took after my father.” Rebecca answered before sipping on her vine. “That doesn’t make any sense. How could you stop eating meat just because your father didn't eat meat.”

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