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AKIRA When we started our journey to Skylar's house, I pictured a little cottage covered in creepy vines with a garden decorated with weird ornaments. But once again, I was in for a surprise. We drove to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city. My heart was pounding with fear, and I remained silent throughout. "Do not be afraid, Kira. I will not let anyone hurt us!" Awwww, how sweet is my wolf? Well, at least I scored my own personal body guard from all this! Once we entered the factory, Skylar directed me towards the far end, as she lay her hand on a wall covered in graffiti and started chanting. A magnificent shade of purple and white light appeared, and there was an opening, like a portal or something. She reached out and grabbed my hand without stopping her chanting. Before I knew it, we were on the other side, and the light disappeared. I looked around in awe. We were in a totally different place to the city. We were in a forest! Everything looked and smelled clean and beautiful. The lush green trees and shrubs were stunning. There were deer drinking out of a river, which looked amazing as the rays of the late afternoon sun shone gracefully on it. I could hear different sounds of birds and animals, I never heard in the city. I followed closely as Skylar led the way to her home. It was hidden deep into the forest, and it looked nothing like what I imagined it would look like. Her house and property were massive. Instead of a garden with ugly looking ornaments, it looked like a wide spread of training grounds. She smiled warmly at me as I took in the surroundings. She looked different. At my home, she had her hair tied up in a tight bun, and it was black. Now it was falling freely down her back, and it was a beautiful platinum white. She also had previously dressed like an office secretary. She wore a pencil skirt and long-sleeved collared shirt, but now she had on a flowing summer dress that complimented her figure beautifully. She laughed lightly and said, "I know what you are thinking. The truth is I just could not wait to get out of those uncomfortable clothes, so I cheated and used my magic." Gosh! What next! Guess I just have to start getting used to all the weird stuff happening now. She then told me that she was going to show me to my room and I could freshen up and rest for a bit before introducing me to my trainer. He would do an induction with me and show me around the place. My room took my breath away. It was so elegantly decorated with a "Welcome, Akira and Destiny" banner, balloons, and ribbons. It appears that whoever decorated it was confident that Skylar was going to return with me. As I was unpacking my bags, Destiny, who was silent since we got here, decided to speak up, "I don't like it here, Kira. We should be with our mate. I have been waiting for such a long time to meet him and almost gave up hope. We have to go to him. Please, Kira, ask Skylar to take us to him" I walked over to the window and saw that it was now dark, but the sky was beautifully lit up with stars and the magnificent full moon. I felt a strange, magnetic pull towards it. I brushed off the feeling and thought about what Destiny had said. Well, too bad what my wolf wanted! I would stall as long as I could. I was in no hurry to meet my so called Mate! "Please be patient. This is not easy for me. I am trying hard to make sense of all that has happened. Finding out about who I really am is not something I am overjoyed about. It's all just too crazy and it's going to take time to adjust to this new life. I can't do it overnight, so please stop pushing about meeting your mate." I felt Destiny's disappointment after all that I said and after a few seconds silence, she whispered, "It's Our Mate, not just mine" We were interrupted by two young, beautiful ladies, who looked like they were in their early twenties. The red head had an angry look on her face. I wondered who or what got her so worked up and soon found out. It was me! "Oh, don't mind us. We are just sniffing out the new stray. I wish Skylar would stop bringing home strays! She's always sacrificing so much just to help monsters like you and doesn't consider the danger she puts the rest of us in!" Did she refer to me as a monster? Ohhhh, hell, no! "I have no idea who the heck you are but if you think that I am okay with you waltzing in here like you own the damn place and have the audacity to refer to me as a monster, then, you are sorely mistaken! You have no idea who I am, and if you know what's good for you, then best you get the hell out of my room!" I was livid! The redheaded devil did not stop! She continued throwing hateful remarks my way! "You think you are better than us, don't you? Cos you're a City girl and been to a fancy school? You are no different from the other dirty monsters! I don't know why Skylar continues to risk our lives by protecting your pathetic kind, who are weaklings without us!" Destiny was with burning rage, I tried calming her down through mind link. "I will show this b***h how monstrous wolves can be!" she growled angrily. I didn't get a chance to respond, but instead, I screamed out loudly as I felt the most excruciating pain go through my body. It felt like my bones were being broken. "I'm sorry Kira, I'm sorry, but I have to take the lead now. You are going to be okay, please trust me!" What the f**k was Destiny going on about? I felt as though I was being tortured and would soon be dead! I had never experienced pain like that before! After what felt like hours of intense pain, I came back to my senses and heard the ladies speaking to Skylar. The redhead looked very pleased with herself. I turned to face the full length mirror on the wall, and it was not me staring back! Instead, a big, white as snow, wolf, stared back. After the ritual Skylar and the Moon Goddess had performed at my home, a heart shaped mark had appeared on my forehead and looked like a unique birthmark. Now, on my wolf's forehead was a stunning Sapphire blue heart. Destiny is a gorgeous looking wolf! It felt strange seeing things through her eyes, and I sort of got a feel of how she felt seeing things through mine. I quickly pulled myself together as Skylar shouted loudly. "It worked! It worked! Well done, Jasmine, your acting skills never fail. Lucas, you must add Anger Management to their training schedule. Ohhhh my, Destiny, you are beautiful!" Skylar clearly had verbal diahorrea, and from all that she said, we picked up that it was planned out! "Kira, you did great on your first shift, I am so proud of you and Destiny. Now, Lucas is going to take you out into the nearby woods for a quick run, just to loosen up, and then when you get back, you will shift back into your human form, freshen up and meet me in the main lounge, there's a few things we have to discuss". Destiny was not happy at being played but gave credit to them for getting us to shift. It was not exactly how we both expected our first shift to be, but at least it was done. Lucas, whom we picked up from Skylar's rantings, was our trainer, asked us to follow him outside. He's a big sized guy, all muscle and covered with the strangest of tattoos. He looked like a soldier all prepped for battle. He shifted into a massive charcoal grey wolf and, through mind link, asked us to keep close to him. Our first few attempts to follow him were totally embarrassing because we stumbled on just about everything. It was more of nervousness. Lucas's wolf, Onyx, was very patient with us, and soon, we were running closely with him, and it was the best feeling ever! "Aren't you glad you didn't reject me, Kira? We would not be enjoying this moment if you did" Destiny sounded so happy, and yes, there was some truth in what she said. This was truly the best moment. I felt so free and happy. "Don't you ever pull that stunt with me again, though, Missy! The pain I felt was excruciating. Moving forward, shifting will only happen when mutually agreed upon, understood?" She just giggled at what I had said and continued running alongside Onyx. A few minutes later, he came to a sudden halt and then, in a serious tone, asked us to turn around and head back. He said that there was danger lurking and we had to hurry. We didn't need to be told twice as we were new to all of this and were nowhere ready for any battle!
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