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AKIRA The video call to Damon got both Zion and I in a pretty depressed mood. We spent the rest of the evening in our own rooms, just sorting out the stuff we bought and rearranging things to pass the time. We even had our meals brought to our rooms. I had just finished assembling a shoe rack I had purchased when Zion popped in. He looked a bit more cheerful than earlier. He said that Damon had called him, and they had a long talk and sorted things out. He also asked if he could come here. Zion had already spoken to Skylar about it before coming to my room, and she said that if he was going to be here as positive support for Zion and I, she was okay with it and suggested Zion speak to Michael and ask if he could go and pick him up. She had given him Michael's number, and he decided to phone him up and ask him if he could help out. Damon would not be able to find this place on his own, and honestly, we had no clue how to direct anyone here. Michael said that he had to confirm with Roman and would call back, and he did after a few minutes. He told Zion he would do it on condition that he stopped calling him Mikey. Zion said he'd think about it, and after a bit of playful teasing, he told him that he was going to message him Damon's address and confirm the pick-up time later. We then video called Damon. He looked so much better. "Hey, Kiki, sorry about earlier. Guess I was pretty messed up. Anyways, I thought things through and decided to take a leap of faith. Life here is way too boring without you both." Zion and I burst out laughing at his facial expression when he said the last bit, and I told him that I was so happy that he was not upset with us, and I couldn't wait for him to join us here. We spoke for a bit longer and confirmed the time for Michael to go and pick him up. "You guys are really being pampered there. Do you guys have room service at your beck and call?" Only after Damon said that did we notice one of Skylar's helpers still in the room, she had come in earlier to clear the meal trays and returned with a jug of water when we started the video call and I thought she had left. She was probably just curious, or maybe Skylar asked her to watch over us. She was such a lovely girl, and who knows, maybe she might have wanted to ask to borrow our phones. Whatever the reasons were, it wasn't important. We had to finalize the arrangements for Damon. Instead of messaging Michael, Zion phoned him up and gave him the details. Thereafter, Skylar's helper, who was trying really hard not to be seen or heard, was about to leave but turned around and shyly asked if we could maybe let her use our phones sometimes. She didn't have one and desperately wanted to get in touch with her mum, and we told her she could whenever she wanted to. She profusely thanked us and said that she would try and look for her mum's number, which she had written down and kept packed away in one of her bags awhile back, and hopefully, it was still active. She then pleaded with us to please not mention anything to Skylar for fear of getting into trouble. We reassured her that her secret was safe. She seemed scared of Skylar. We were surprised because she was always so loving, warm, and gentle. Perhaps she knew a side of her we hadn't seen yet. But we did know that she isn't a fan of cell phones. Zion and I decided to call it an early night as we had our first training session early the next morning, and we had Damon's arrival later in the day to look forward to. Thankfully, it turned out to be another good night's sleep. Lucas had no mercy. It was still dark out when he sent one of the helpers for me. I dragged myself out of bed and quickly gotten ready. He taught me a few easy exercises to do to help loosen up before we started. We then did a few laps around the grounds. Once we were done, we took a few minutes of refreshments break, then got stuck into self-defence training. Lucas said that I was a natural and was very good for a beginner. Hearing him say that made being dragged out of bed so early, soooooo worth it! We were so focused on the training that we completely lost track of time. If Skylar had not come through and interrupted us, we would have most probably just continued. I was thoroughly enjoying myself, and Lucas was a really great teacher. "Seems like you two are having a lot of fun? How's her first day as your new student going, Lucas?" He told her that he was actually very surprised as to how quickly I caught on, and he was already very impressed. I was over the moon hearing him say that! He did praise me before, but hearing him tell Skylar that was a BIG DEAL! She then told me that Zion asked her to pass on the message that Damon had messaged him earlier to say that Michael had picked him up, and they were on their way. She asked me to go get cleaned up and prepare for lunch. I wanted to go a few more rounds, but she insisted that I not overdo it on my first day, and Lucas agreed. I then headed straight to my room to shower, and when I got out, I tried to video call my parents. Both their numbers rang constantly for a while and disconnected. I started to worry, but after a few minutes, dad messaged to say that they were at the doctor and would chat to me later. That meant Mum was still unwell. I prayed that the doctor's visit went well and that she would get better soon. When I got downstairs, Skylar and Zion were seated in the main gathering area and were in deep conversation. They turned to me, and seeing the worried look on my face asked what was the matter. I told them about Mum not being well, and Skylar said that she would ask the Moon Goddess to also check up on her. I thanked her, and then we all proceeded to the dining area. We were almost through with our lunch when we were interrupted by two gorgeous looking, half-naked, eye candy. It was Roman and Michael. They had probably rushed here in wolf form and changed into just shorts when they shifted into human form. They both looked very worried and upset about something. Roman apologized on their behalf for barging in like that unannounced but said that it was important. He then asked Zion and I when we had last heard from Damon, and Zion said that he was just about to ask where he was because he messaged ages ago, saying that Michael had picked him up. After giving Michael another worried look, Roman turned to us and said that Michael did go to fetch him, but by the time he got there, the doorman at his apartment block said that someone had already picked him up approximately an hour before he got there. Michael was delayed because of a flat ttyre. The doorman confirmed that Damon left with luggage, and the driver of the vehicle who picked him up was a very tall, well-built man. He unfortunately didn't get to see his face as the man wore a cap, and the peak of it was pulled forward, blocking most of his face. Michael immediately suspected foul play and alerted Roman, who told him to stay where he was and rushed off to meet him. When he got there, they both started to track the scent of whoever it was that took Damon. The doorman showed them where the vehicle was parked and where the person had stood and also where he went into the reception area to ask to buzz Damon. They managed to pick up a scent by the reception counter. They knew who it was! But how could this be?
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