Chapter 5: I'm not a Virgin

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Christian I don't know if she's too innocent or too stupid to cover her face when I can see her almost revealing body. But whatever she is, she is heavenly cute. My lips automatically strech into smile. "How am I gonna follow the rules I'd you jeep running and falling?" I smirk as she slowly peeks at me through her eyes, still covering half of her face. Her ebony black eyes flinch at me along with her delicate body, hurrying to part away from me. Nudging ne away she stands ho properly and cross her arms around her self in a silly attempt of hiding herself from me. But, my shameless face can't help checking each detail of her. Honestly, I never expected to witness this when I came inside. "Huh! Stop finding excuses to touch me, okay!" She scoffs, glaring at me. "What?" I wiggle my eyebrows in shock. "I hope you remember that you were about to fall" "Then you could have met me fall," she groans, avoiding eye contact with me. "Wow!" She gasped at me in disbelief, parting her lips. "Relax, I wasn't complimenting you," saying a take a glance at her from head to toe, I pass a wry smile. "I was complimenting your level of stupidity." She tries her best to use her hands to cover herself from me. "What do you mean?" "I mean If you slipped here and broke your bone, who would be in a mess? Of course, me," I point at myself, nearly yelling. She seals her mouth for a while and peeks at me. She doesn't move, not do I. Should I move? "Mrs Fisher said you would come late.why did you come so soo" she mutters annoyingly. "It's my house," I remind her. "You should have taken your damn clothes inside the washroom." "Okay, that's my fault," she screams. "But will you please bother to leave and give me some privacy?" Her face turned red in embarrassment and there's no way I like to make a women uncomfortable. Shrugging , I leave the room immediately. Ivanna "Pervert" I seeth. Gawking at the door and letting out a deep sigh. Jesus! I thought I would die in the spot in embarrassment if he was there for a little longer. The moment I realise how close we were and his intimately he held me, I felt goosebumps all over me. I bet if I didn't ste the conditions he would have taken advantage of this situation. Cursing him under my breath. I collect my clothes and lock the door this time. After putting the clothes on, I comb my hair when someone knocks at the door. "Ivanna, the dinner is ready," Mrs Fisher says. " Please join Master Scott" I roll my eyes in frustration. I don't think I can swallow a single grahn sitting with him. Why did he need to come so early tonight? "I'm coming," I scoff and slam the comb aside. To hell with him. I'll focus on my food, not on him. After all, this is his house too. Yeah, I'll have to accept it. Even if it's temporary. Taking lazy steps, I climb down the stairs, to see Christian was already at the dinning table but he's talking. To whom? I can't see anyone around the table. I know he's weird but is he an alien or what? God knows!! As I come closer to the table. I see the Airpods in his ears. "Pass it," he says, staying in the call and munching the food. "I said pass it, Nicole. Yeah, what did he say?" Giving a blank expression, I sit next to him. He glanced at me for less than a second and again focused on the call. "Why the hell can't you convince him to change the amount? That's crazy," he blurted out. Mrs Fisher comes to serve my dinner. A few minutes pass by but he's still on the call, talking about work. I wonder if Irene ever dated him. How can someone date such a person who's always busy with his damn business? Even while eating. "Do you need something else?" Mrs Fisher asks "No, I don't eat much for dinner," I whisper so I don't disturb him. Manners , I have manners, not because I care about his f*****g work. "And the food is awesome," I tell Mrs Fisher. "How do you know what I prefer for dinner?" Because I saw Christian having something else and it turned me off to anything because I can't eat the same thing at dinner. But Mrs Fisher surprised me with the food that I have in my daily diet. "We'll," she smiles and raises ger eyebrows towards Christian. My jaw drops. But the moment I turned back to look at him, he stood up from the chair, Still talking on the call and then he grabbed his blazer. "Stay in touch with him. I'm just coming." In no time, he walks out of the villa again. I just jeep staring at entrance from where he left for no reason. He's an alien.really he is, it's proven now. How does he know so much about me? "He just came home," the words come out of nowhere. "At least, he came home," Mrs Fisher and I don't understand what she meant. "Let me know if you want anything else." I shake my head and Focus back on the meals. I shouldn't cars about him too much. After all, I never wanted this marriage. "Promise me, you'll be mine." "I'll be yours" "You'll wait for me?" "I'll wait for you. I promise." I jump off the bed. Wheezing and shivering. With my eyes burning. I look around, rubbing ny throat full of sweat. I'm in the villa. I was sleeping and-- the dream! Why did I have this dream today? Why? I look for a glass of water but I can't find it anywhere near, my throat drying up. A hand with a glass of water appears in front of me. I lift my head up to find Christian was holding the glass for me. I grab it and drink the entire water. Cleaning my mouth. "Are you alright?" His heavy voice comes with a bit of concern. I nod my head. "Thank you--" my eyes pop out at him. When did he come? He was inside the room? For how long? I remember he was not in the villa when I went to sleep. "I just arrived a few minutes ago," he scoffs. "Did you have a nightmare?" "None of your business" I groan. I'm so pissed at him. No matter how good he behaves but he literally ruined my life. Because of him I feel like a cheater. "You are at my place, And unfortunately my wife now. So, if you're having issues then it's definitely my f*****g business Ivanna," his voice becomes rough. "Unfortunately, yes exactly unfortunately you're my husband," I grit my teeth and look away. "I hate you so much" "I know," he says "You know nothing, Nothing," I cover my face and try not to cry. Untill the dream came, I was fine. I didn't shed a single drop of tear. But my heart aches now I can't help it. Why did I come here? I was fine in Texas, happy and full of hope. "Ivanna," he whispers but I don't look at him. "I hope you remember that I didn't force you for this marriage. You had placed some conditions and I accepted them. What happened to you all of a sudden?" "Please go, I don't wanna see your face. Go!" I scream my heart out and sob for a while. A few minutes passed and I squirmed, handling myself.I thought He must have left since he didn't speak to me, I lifted my head slowly only to find him sitting on the couch. He is still dressed in the same clothes, and had his laptop on him. I thought we had a heated moment but this guy only cares about his work. He doesn't care if I've lost everything because of him. "I'm not a virgin," I speak abruptly in a heavy voice, I'm not sure why exactly I said that. He lifts his head with a frown and rolls his eyes, "nor am I. So what?" I don't speak after that and look down . Am I looking for an excuse so he just kicks me out of this marriage? "Do you think I'm the kind of guy who kicks his wife out if she's not a virgin? Nice try, by the way," he chuckles. "Almost 90% of men are like that," I spit out in frustration. "What if I'm among the 10% of men who doesn't care?" He leans back on the couch with a smirk. "That doesn't make you a saint" "I don't wanna be a saint," he grins. He leaves the couch and walks into the walking closet. "I hope you're alright now. So, make some space for me before I freshen up" My heart literally exploded. Is he gonna sleep on this bed? Next to me? That will be the height of discomfort for me. I don't want him anywhere near me. He turns to me, scrunching his face, "why are you looking at me? I need space to sleep, my head is aching." "You'll sleep here?" I ask like a stupid "Was there a condition on the contract that I can't sleep on my bed?" He sounds annoyed, obviously because I asked such a stupid question to a tired person. "No, okay I can sleep on the couch," I strive to get down. "If I have signed the contract, I'm honest enough to follow it, Miss-- Mrs wife," he clenched his jaw. I can sense the building anger in his voice. "I'm not interested in touching you. If you don't trust yourself, you can sleep anywhere you want. I don't want this drama everyday." He slams the door to the walk-in and storms inside the washroom. I sat num on the spot, glaring at him. What does he think of himself? I don't trust myself? Huh, I m not dying to touch him. Whatever! I don't care if he sleeps beside me or not. Gathering myself to the right side of the bed, I wrap the blanket around me and close my eyes and try to sleep again. A few minutes pass but my sleep is gone. I hear the sound of the washroom door open and I gulp down. My eyes go straight to the mirror in front of me through which I can see him behind me coming out of the washroom, I uncovered my eyes from the blanket to find him only in his boxers. He's tall, like nearly six feet. I realised how small I look next to this monster. His perfect sculpted body depicts why he's almost on every magzine cover page, for no reason. I should be slapping myself to stare at him like this. He sits next to me while wiping his hair, water droplets scattered all over his hard muscled back and here I am being -- ridiculous stop it Ivanna. As I squeeze my eyes shut, I felt him pulling the blanket, he literally takes half of the blanket. What kind of a billionaire is he? Can't he afford another blanket! Shoving all the thoughts aside, I close my eyes again, hoping not to have the same dream again. "I'm sorry," I whisper, closing my eyes.
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