Chapter 7: How dare you kiss me

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Ivanna "This is ridiculous," I clamour, taking my eyes off the stupid contract. " How can you do this?" "I did this, Mrs wife. You just said what I am. Here's the proof. You were not wrong about me," his lips twitch. I hate his smirk, I hate him. "But you should have been more cautious while signing a contract." I feel like stupid. I'm indeed stupid. How can I miss such a clause? But who would think such a clause would be there? I don't understand how to react. Crumbling the contract in my hands I throw it aside. "I never thought you would add such a ridiculous clause," I scream out in frustration. "Why? Didn't you know I'm a monster, alien, rude, arrogant, jerk ,rich brat?" He repeated my words and I feel like punching his face right now. My body starts shivering in rage as he starts laughing, anger is running through my veins and I push him with all my force. "You brute, what do you think of yourself? Who gave you the right to make decisions of my life?" I yell at him. He looks at me with cold eyes, clenching his jaw but he doesn't react. "As if I told you to sign it without reading," his voice is hoarse "That doesn't make you anyless. You're the worst man I have ever come across," I keep shouting at the to of my lungs."you only care about yourself, not about others. You forced me to marry you when I clearly said I love someone else. You still got married to me. Do you even have a heart? How could you? Have you ever loved someone? I bet you didn't. Even after all this you were not satisfied and now you're separating me from my parents too. Who gave you the damn right to do this to me?" Tears burn down my eyes even though I didn't want to break down in front of him. He stares at me with his cold gaze and I hate it. I hate everything about him "Are you done with your ranting?" He scoffs and that's what I expected from him. It doesn't matter to him anyway. He can't feel someone's pain. "Why do I need to remind you repeatedly? You proposed this deal, and We agreed to a contract. Stop making me the bad person every f*****g time." He takes a step closer to me, and my heart start pounding in my chest. I take a step back and again he keeps taking his steps towards me and I keep moving back. He has only two reactions. One which makes me annoyed to an extend that I feel like punching him. Then there is this one that makes me nervous and I want to stay away from him. I stumbled upon something behind and fall on the couch, he lean downs his face I gulp. His hands are on either side of my head keeping me in between them. I squabble on it. "You're not a victim, Ivanna. Nor am I a culprit," he hissed,"let's do the business properly." I ogle at him, sniffing in warth, anger burning inside me.He only knows business. " Yes, of course Everything is a business for you," I push gun again with all the strength in means stand up. "And I don't wanna see your damn face anymore." Enraged and frustrated, I stron out of the room. I don't wanna stay anywhere near him anymore. I don't wanna stay with such type of a person. I miss my life in Texas. I miss living on my own conditions. I miss those nights where I only thought about him. From the day I got married to this asshole, I couldn't even think of the person I love. What's wrong with me? I promised him and I'll keep my promise. I'll only love him and will wait for him till my last breath, no matter how many Christian come and go in my life. Christian She is stubborn as hell. I sneered, looking towards the door. I wonder why she's playing this victim card with me. There was no obligation to marry me. I simply told her father to fix the issue. She could have turned her father down. She could have said NO. But she made the decision. After all this , she keeps blaming me. Why do girls with such heavenly beauty need to be so annoying? I shrug her thoughts off and take my laptop out to work for an hour before I go to sleep. The wedding reception will take place in a few days. I just hope Ivanna keeps her stupid tantrums aside and stop being loud. I hate noise. But she screams all the time. I believe In business. But she loves to bring all the emotional stuff. I like to dismiss things. But she likes to be a rebel. In short, she will keep fighting with me every single day and I have to tolerate her. And why the hell was I thinking about her? I can make millions if I stop thinking about her and do some work. Just an hour later, I turn off the laptop and prepare for bed when I realise that she hasn't come back yet. Where is she? I can't stop myself from walking out of the room to look for her. As I reach the corridor, I find Mrs Fisher still awake. "Mrs Fisher, why are you still awake?" I ask her She looks worried as she looks at me. "What happened? And did you see Ivanna?" I ask her "I'm here for her. Actually, she went outside looking angry and hasn't come back yet," she says nervously. What's she doing outside for so long? I'm sure that she can't go out because of the security si she may be roaming around in the garden. I should be on my bed by now. She's enough to ruin my routine. I rush outside. Light snow makes the weather colder than any other day. It bothers me when I remember Ivanna wearing sleeveless tank top. I don't like such careless people. My eyes find their way towards her, in the middle of the yard, she is sitting on the bench in snow. Later on, if she catches a cold and starts sneezing next to me that will make me fall sick with her. I walk faster towards her and stop beside the bench, her ruddy eyes are glued to the sky. "Ivanna, come inside. Right now," I groan She doesn't reply. Tantrum Queen! "Ivanna, stop this drama and get inside right now. It's cold out here and I don't want you to fall sick and spread it inside my villa," I shrug off. "It was nowhere written in the contract that I need to obey you all the time," she fires back at me. I don't even expect her to obey me. That'll be an impossible task. "Ivanna, don't test patience. I'm already good enough for you," I tell her, controlling my anger. "Huh," she throws a wry smile at me ." Good, you can't be worse than this. Mr Christian Scott. Just go and leave me alone." I don't say anything and stare at her. And that is it. Bending down I slide my arms around her legs and torso, and lift her in my arms. Her eyes pop out in shock. "Hey, leave me. Get me down right now," she screams again. I'm gonna choke her someday that's for sure. "If you screams again, I'm gonna cut your throat off," I grit my teeths. "You already said I can't be worse than this, but I'll show you how much worse I can be." Darkness fills her delightful face as she fluffs her cheeks in horror. That's better. But did she really believed that I will cut her throat? I hope she doesn't think I'm a mafia criminal. Oh God! She indeed seals her pretty mouth but her hands are off to work instead. She keeps slapping my chest, showing me away and throwing her legs in an attempt to get down but I keep walking inside carrying her. She doesn't scream anymore but now she whispers. "You can't break the rules. You can't touch me. I'll sue you, you bastard," she curses but surprisingly that makes me laugh. How can a curse sound so cute? Finally,I took her to the room and put her on the bed. "I don't want your damn bed. I will sleep on the couch or the floor. I don't want you to be near me," She screams again but as soon as I glare at her, she swallows down. "I hope you're tired after working hard in screaming at me.Give your throat some rest. You can scream later," I yawn. "Do you think it's nothing? How can you act as if nothing happened? You added a stupid clause and then you broke the rule. You touched me when I asked you not to. And you want me to act normal?" Now, this is going out of my head. "Wait a second, did you think that I take the contract lightly and you could do anything you want? If that's the case, then you're completely wrong. I'm not gon---" Her words melts inside as I press my lips on hers. My eyes dart straight into her popped out eyes she is in shock, her eyes are almost out of there sockets. The moment stops for me right there. She tries to pull away but I take her lips into a gentle suck and release her after that. Her ravaged eyes slam at me like fire as she sits numb in her spot. "Not a single word now," I point at her. Seconds later, her stunned face turns to a furious one. "How dare you? How dare you to kiss me? You f*****g jerk?" She yells, trying to push me again. "I think you want me to seal your mouth again," I ask. Terror fills her ebony black eyes. In a blink of an eyes, she switches into a helpless and innocent one. I can see her eyes filled with hatred for me. "You're really breaking all the rules. I trusted your contract," she tells with a disappointed voice, and i have gotten married to the most stupid girl on this earth. "Will you even bother to read the contract?" I see the. "I bet you haven't even read it completely," "I don't want to, it's ridiculous," she whines. "You're breaking all the rules in just two days of our marriage." "I didn't. I'm not dishonest in business, Mrs Scott," I tell her. she looks up at me, surprised by the way I addressed her. But it suits her. The name suits her perfectly. "You did" "You're impossible," I grab the contract paper from the drawer agains bd place it infront of her. "It's clearly written that I can touch you if it's for your betterment if you're about to harm yourself or anyone else." She gulps down, looking at the papers. "And you were sitting under the snow. I don't think I broke the rule by taking you inside. "Then --" I laugh. " You should have chosen your words wisely Mrs Scott. The contract says I can't touch you. But it doesn't say that I can't kiss you." Her jaws drop at me in disbelief. But she can't speak. Poor thing! I feel bad for her when she makes such a helpless and innocent face. She's still new to business that's why she doesn't know how to choose and twist words. She hangs her head. "But I didn't want you to kiss me." "That's not a big deal. People keep kissing all the time. And you're not even a virgin. That shouldn't be a big deal for you," I say and immediately regret it. Now, she's gonna burst out again like lava and my attempt to sleep will go in the drain. Her ruddy eyes send daggers to me. "I'm not like you. You might have kissed random people. That's not a big deal for you. But I'll only kiss the man I love. And you're not that man." She sneers "You don't need to remind me that every time. I don't care if you consider me or not. Now, will you please bother to sleep? I have plenty of work to do, unlike the jobless you," I shrug and lie down on my side, expecting a bunch of curses from her. However, seconds pass. She doesn't speak. And that makes me confused. Moments later, I feel my blanket roughly pulled away from me. "I'm not gonna share this blanket with you. Go and get your own blanket, Mr Christian Scott." She rants, tucking the entire blanket around her. Her face looks chubby when she is angry. Her tiny revenge makes me laugh as I get up to grab another blanket so I can finally have a peaceful sleep.
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