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Maranda It wasn't hard to figure out Tiny and Bear didn't like each other. I didn't even have to know Tiny that well to know him and Bear had history. But I had to give Tiny points for not feeding into Bear's s**t. I did find it a little sad that Tiny never returned to the group after he had walked off and paid for more drinks for all of us. Well, all of us but Bear. When the girl behind the bar brought over all the drinks and handed them out, she gave everyone in the area a new drink from Tiny but Bear, which led to Bear calling Tiny a prick and walking back to the bar with the girl to get a drink for himself. The girl I learned a little bit later was named Summer and was Jay and Knuckles' youngest daughter. I also learned I liked Jay and Blair the most out of the group Mandy had introduced me to. It didn't take long for me to quickly befriend the two of them and enjoy my night out. It wasn't hard to notice their guys were nothing like Bear as I talked with them. Were Bear didn't give a s**t that he was out with Mandy and was obviously checking the other woman in the bar out. Knuckles and Gunner only had eyes for their woman. The two were either right there with them. Touching them in some way, nothing s****l, but more of a way to let every guy there know the two women were spoken for and let every woman there know the guys already knew who they were leaving with. Just watching them made me realize that even when I was married, I never had someone that was that into me.  Sure my husband had taken me out many times, and he would put his hands on my hips or around my waist. But it was never in the same way that Knuckles and Gunner did with Jay and Blair. I honestly don't know how to explain it other than you could tell the two couples were madly in love with each other. It was something I wanted with a guy that I never knew I had been missing out on. And honestly, it was something I wasn't going to hold my breath for. I mean, who would want a thirty-five-year-old widow and mother of two with recently developed trust issues? I can't say that I know of any guy that was into that. No, I would most likely end up staying single for the rest of my life. I didn't really have time to be back out on the dating scene anyway. I had two children at home who still needed me. And they didn't need to be getting attached to a guy, only for him to leave them. With that in mind, that didn't stop me from checking out several of the guys. Nor did it stop me from excepting a few more drinks from a guy who went by Snake and a guy that went by Buzz. Buzz was the same guy who held the door open for Mandy and me when we first got to the bar. I had been right. He had been flirting with me from the get-go. But he didn't seem bothered by the fact I wasn't really into him and was perfectly fine with moving on to flirt with another woman and buy her a drink. Snake had been nice but hadn't done more than buy me a drink along with some of the others who had been in the area when he placed his own order.  Through the course of the night, I had talked to so many people I honestly couldn't tell you most of their names. At some point, I know I had gotten into a conversation with Crow and Lisa, his old lady and Knuckles' mother, about how I would be starting a new job soon and looking for my own place. Somehow by the end of the conversation, I had agreed to meet up with Crow the following day, and he would show me one of his recently available rentals. It wasn't a stand-alone house, but it would be plenty big enough for my kids and me. It would be perfectly located only a couple of miles from the school if I liked it. So close that if it was a nice day and wanted my kids and I could walk to school. The only thing I wasn't too sure about was that it was a duplex. The building was split in two and was two townhomes that were attached. The main and second floors were all separate, while the basement and garage were connected. It was definitely something I would have to see before straight up saying no. Also, it would depend on who the other person was living in the other unit. This was the only question Crow seemed to skirt around a bit, and I was curious why he would not say.  I left both kids with Mandy the following day while I drove over to the address Crow had given me. I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't that hard to find. And I could see the school from the front yard, which was a plus. It would be nothing to walk that far with both kids on nice days. Pulling into the driveway, I got out and looked around a bit outside. I was a few minutes early, and Crow wasn't there yet. So I might as well look around outside a minute. Honestly, the place looked really nice. Way nicer than I thought it would be. Not that I thought it would look bad. But it was easy to tell there were two units here. The garage had two doors and looked to be a two-car garage. On either side of the garage were the front doors to both units, and they were both noticeably numbered. There was also a mailbox right next to each door. It wasn't hard to figure out which side of the duplex was vacant as I looked over the front of the building. The unit to the right had window coverings and looked like someone lived there, and the unit on the left had nothing in the windows. As I looked over the front of the building, Crow pulled into the driveway on his motorcycle.  “Maranda, I am so sorry I am late.” I smiled at him shaking my head. "You are not late. I was early. I am still learning my way around town and didn't want to be late." Climbing off his bike, he returned my smile. "Well, in that case, good. I would hate to have kept you waiting." Together we walked up the driveway. As we walked, he opened the garage and took me into the unit that way. Again it was easy to tell which side of the building was occupied. The left side of the garage was empty besides a couple of shelving units with nothing on them. The right side had a large pick-up truck parked inside it. It was pulled clear up to the front of the garage, leaving a good-sized gap between the truck's tail end and the door. Along with the wall on the other side of the truck was a workbench with all kinds of tools. Definitely, a guy lived there or maybe a really handywoman, but my money was on a guy. "This side of the garage would belong to you if you want the place. I have shelves in here for storage that would be all yours. If they are something you wouldn't want or you wanted more space, they can easily be removed, and you could use the space however you wished." I nodded, letting him know I understood as I continued to look around. Moving on, he led me inside through a door in the garage that led into the unit. The kitchen was just inside, which was open to the dining room and living room. The space was bigger than I thought it would be. But it was perfect and would give me plenty of room to play with. There was also a half bathroom tucked under the stairs, so you wouldn't have to run all the way upstairs to use the bathroom if needed. Another door that led down to the basement was to the right of the door that came in from the garage. I was happy to find that it and the door coming in from the garage had locks on them.  Before showing me, the basement, Crow walked me upstairs and showed me the three bedrooms. All of them were good-sized. The master had a bathroom attached to it with a stand-up shower and no tub. If I wanted a bath, I would have to use the bathroom out in the hall that was set between the other two bedrooms. But that was ok. I never really had time to lay in a tub and relax anymore anyway. So as long as I had a shower to clean myself, I would make due. And as long as there was a tub for the kids to take a bath in, that was all that mattered. Both the other bedrooms were the same size, and both faced the backyard. Honestly, so far, the place was perfect. My only concern was with the basement, and I hadn't seen that yet. "Bear says you have two younger kids. If you want anything added out in the yard as far as a playset or anything for them, feel free to let me know. I am more than happy to set something up. If not, there is a park just down the road next to the school." I nodded. "Thank you, that is good to know." We continued to walk around upstairs for a few more minutes before heading back down. This was it. This would be what made this place or broke it. So far, I loved it, and it would be perfect. But I still had to think of the safety of my kids. I still didn't know who my neighbor would be if I excepted the place.  I followed Crow down the stairs. Reaching the bottom step, I looked around to find a good-sized empty room with a door along one wall. Crow walked over to the door and opened it. "So this room would be yours to do as you wish. This door here leads into the laundry room, which is shared by both units." I followed him in to find a good-sized laundry room. Inside were two sets of washers and dryers. Both sat on opposite sides of the room. Like the garage, you could quickly distinguish between the two units. In the middle of the room was a long table that split the room in two. The one side that was obviously to the already occupied unit had shelves above the washer and dryer with laundry soap and everything else you would need to wash your clothes. A sink on one wall would have to be shared, but otherwise, the room was evenly split between the units. Directly across from the door, Crow and I walked in was another door that was open just slightly and led into the other unit. From what I could see, whoever lived there used that room as a gym. I could only see a small glimpse from the small opening, but I could easily see weights. Both doors that separated the laundry room and each unit also had locks on them, so I could easily lock the door if I wanted to. Again, I did not find anything I didn't like about the place. It was perfect and would work wonderfully for my kids and me. But there was still one thing I wanted to know, mainly because whoever lived in the other unit was definitely a guy.  Turning, I found Crow leaning against one of the washers. "Well, what do you think?" I gave him a small smile. "Honestly, it's perfect, but there is just one thing." He nodded. "Yeah, I know, the other tenet." I nodded. "First, I can assure you he would never do anything to harm you or your kids. I would never put anyone in that kind of position on purpose. Second, I purposely didn't say when you asked last night because I didn't want Bear trying to talk you out of this place based on his personal opinions. Third, if you are close to your brother-in-law and he will be a frequent visitor, I will help you find somewhere else to live." I raised an eyebrow. "Why would having Bear over a lot stop me from getting the place? Not that I would, I mean, I know you two are friends and all, and he is my brother-in-law, but truthfully the two of us don't exactly see eye to eye." Crow nodded, "In that case, I don't exactly see a problem with renting this place to you. But do know that Bear and Tiny have issues. Otherwise, I can assure you Tiny will probably be the best neighbor you could ever have. He is a single guy and keeps to himself. The last couple that lived in this unit told me they never knew he was ever home most of the time. Only that they would notice his motorcycle or truck would move every now and then, letting them know he had been here." Nodding, I looked around the room again as I thought this over. I mean, this place was perfect. And bonus, maybe with Tiny as my neighbor, I could get out of dealing with Bear coming over. I honestly disliked him. I know he was nice enough to take my kids and me in, but truthfully I don't think Mandy gave him a choice.  "Alright, I guess I can't turn this place down. It's perfect. The only thing is I don't start my job for another couple of weeks and won't be able to have the deposit and rent for another month." Crow pushed off the washer waving his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about that. I am willing to wave the deposit and first month's rent. The place is yours to move into whenever you're ready." He reached into his cut and pulled some papers out, handing them to me. "Rent is $1000, that includes water and waste. You will be responsible for electricity and any other utilities. Trash pick-up is every Thursday, and the recycling is picked up every Friday. Tiny takes care of the yard work for me, so just keep things cleaned up so he doesn't accidentally destroy anything when mowing. If you decide on pets, I ask you to let me know first, and I would prefer smaller animals if possible. If anything comes up that needs to be fixed, let me know right away, and I will get someone out here to take a look at it. Any questions?" I was a little shocked as I listened to Crow give me the rundown. First, I was sure he would charge me a hell of a lot more than a thousand a month for a place like this. And second, I was ready to wait a month before he would even consider allowing me to move in. But he was not going to charge me the deposit or the first month's rent. Looking over the papers he handed me. I found everything he said was in there. He was waving the first month's rent and deposit, and he had my move-in date listed as today. He was already planning on giving me the place before he even showed up. Looking back up to him, I could only find I had one question. "Why do all this?" A smile pulled at his lips, and he shrugged. "First and foremost, you are part of Bear's family, which makes you part of all of our family. And we take care of family. Second, everyone needs a little boost up sometimes. s**t happens, and things go to s**t. That doesn't mean you can't get a little help and get things back to where you want them." I couldn't help but smile. I have never had someone in my life be so nice. "I don't know what to say other than thank you. You have no idea how much this means." His smile grew. "You are more than welcome. Now let's get you some keys, and you can head out and get to work on movin your stuff in."
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