976 Words

Tiny I was sure I heard her walking through the laundry room. Or at least I thought I did. Stopping my workout, I set up and waited a moment. When she didn't walk all the way through, I figured I hadn't heard her. Laying back, I lifted back up the bar I had roughly around a hundred and seventy pounds on. I could do more but didn't like to when I was by myself. I had only just gotten back to my workout when she walked into the room. It was all I could do to stay focused enough to lift the bar back up and place it back on the hooks. Getting distracted and having the bar fall on me was the last thing I needed to happen. By the time I had the bar in place, she was standing at the foot of the bench. Sitting up, I didn't hide the fact I let my eyes travel over her body as I looked up at her. J

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