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Tiny After my ride over the weekend, I decided to do better to keep my distance. Maranda was a single mother of two. She didn't want some divorced forty something year old trying to put the moves on her. And I sure as s**t didn't need to get a f*****g hard on like a teenager with her right there. It was hard enough not to get one every time I got a glimpse of her coming or going. And I sure as s**t didn't need to risk running into her in the laundry room when she was wearing her short shorts and tight t-shirt that she liked to wear to bed or around the house. f**k, it was bad enough, I have had to take a cold shower every day since seeing her in those shorts on the porch. Just the thought of her had my d**k standing at attention. Avoiding her wasn't that hard either. I had already figured out her schedule pretty well before my f**k up on that one Friday. She kept to a pretty easy schedule to figure out. Monday through Friday were school days. She was a teacher and worked the hours her kids were in class. They left the house every morning around eight to get to the school on time. They returned home between four and five every day. She had the kids in bed by eight every night, and she would be in bed no later than ten. Easy enough to stay out until after ten if needed. And if I didn't have any plans easy enough to be inside my place before four and stay in for the night. It was also easy to either be up and out of the house before eight or wait the few minutes for them to leave. The weekends were a little trickier, but I did well enough so far. Tonight was like any other that I would be getting home after she went to bed. I had timed it just like the other nights. Her place was dark when I got home, just like any other night. She was in bed and would be there for the night. I pulled my bike into the garage and headed inside. Pulling my cut off, I laid it over the back of the kitchen chair like I always did. Heading up to my room, I changed into a pair of sweats and gathered the dirty clothes I had piled up. I then made my way downstairs and into the laundry room. And that's where I was met with her storming into the laundry room. "Are you avoiding me?" f**k, it was that obvious. She figured it out. Do I lie and hope she doesn't hear the lie in my voice or tell the truth? "Yes…no…yes…no…maybe." f**k, my mouth and brain refused to work together and decide on how to play this. And f**k me, she was in her short shorts and tight shirt. I was so f*****g distracted. If she looked down, there was no hiding my boner from her, not in these f*****g pants. Why the f**k did I change into these damn pants before coming down here?  After what seemed like a lifetime, she nodded her head once, turned on her heels, and walked right back out of the room. What the f**k? What do I f*****g do with that? I stood there for who knows how long before walking back into my side of the basement. Walking to the middle of the room, I stopped and just stood there. What the f**k do I do now? The sound of the door on her side being yanked open had me turning around, just in time to see her storm right through the laundry room and into my side of the basement. "Why the hell are you avoiding me?" f**k she was sexy when she was all worked up. "Because I once promised to be with one woman for the rest of my life. And even though she had other plans, I never thought I would find another woman I would ever want to be with again." The truth might as well go with the truth. "But you and her aren't together anymore?" I shook my head. "Our divorce has been finalized for a couple of years now." Her eyebrows shot up. "Then why avoid me?" She flung her arms up, letting them fall back to her sides. "Truthfully?" She rolled her eyes at my question and nodded her head sarcastically. "Because every time I see you, the only thing I can think of doing is…." I couldn't finish my sentence. She raised an eyebrow. "What? What do you want to do?"  Fuck me sideways. The challenge in her voice was hard not to notice. As I already knew, she was a different breed of woman than I was used to. She was a f*****g Queen and would expect to be treated as so and wouldn't except anything less.  Moving, I closed the distance between us. The glint of excitement in her eyes didn't go unnoticed as her back hit the wall. Keeping eye contact with her, I leaned down, running my hands from her hips down her thighs. Her hands moved up my chest and to my shoulders as I gripped the back of her thighs and lifted her, so she was eye level with me. Her legs wrapped securely around my waist instantly. Moving my hands from her thighs, I ran them up her sides, pushing her shirt up as they moved. I continued to watch her as I pushed her shirt up further, watching for any sign that she didn't want this. Watching for any hint that I was pushing it too far. But there was none. As I pulled her shirt off her and tossed it to the side, she was nearly panting, and I had barely touched her. Placing one hand on the wall beside her, I ran my fingers of my other hand down her body. Starting at her color bone, I lightly ran my fingers down between her chest. My eyes fell, taking in her amazing body. She was even more beautiful than I had imagined. Running my fingers down her stomach, I trailed them along the waistband of her shorts before traveling back up her body. Lifting my eyes back up, I was met with her still watching me. Her breathing was raged already. As I ran my fingers along the underside of her chest, I leaned in ever so slightly. Leaving only an inch or two between our lips. "I want to worship you like a Queen should be." Her breath hitched as I closed the remaining distance between our lips.
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