1274 Words

Maranda Mandy picked the kids up about mid-morning on Saturday. They would be gone until Sunday afternoon, which wasn't a long time, really. I would have a full-day kid-free, something I hadn't had in a long time. I loved my kids, and even though I was excited not to have them for a whole day. I also felt horrible. Was I a bad mom for feeling this way? I didn't think so. But that didn't change the fact I felt bad for being excited about everything. I was excited to have kid-free time and just as excited about going out with Tiny later in the day. The two of us had been talking through text messages all week like two teenagers. It was hard not to like him. He was funny yet could be serious. Once Mandy and the kids left, I decided to do one thing I hadn't been able to do since Issac died.

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