16. Bella

1214 Words

"Can we come here tomorrow?" Aspyn smiled at me. I was surprised by how open she was being. She actually looked at me while asking. "Of course we can." I smiled back. I watched as her eyes lit up with excitement. Her big blue eyes were staring into mine. My heart rate increasing "Her eyes are beautiful, aren't they?" Grayson smirked. "Very" He rolled his eyes. "Why don't we just f**k her already? We've done it with everyone else." "First of all, we haven't f****d that many girls. Only 3. And Aspyn is different," I sneered. Grayson laughed "How is she different? I mean, yeah, she's hot but still." "You're such an asshole." I ignored the rest of what Grayson was saying. And was pulled out of my thoughts. "W-wyatt.." She looked down I snapped out of my thoughts "What's up?" She

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