20. Past

787 Words

"But I have heard from mom." I froze. "What?" Lila looked at me like I was crazy. "Has she not tried to contact you?" She raised an eyebrow "Lila, I haven't heard from mom in like six months, I think she is scared that I'm not her little baby anymore and that I turned into a ruthless asshole." Her expression saddened "She talks about you all the time, she misses you Wyatt." I felt my heart ping, my mom was my only support besides my cruel father. She would take beatings trying to protect me against him. It hurt so bad to watch her go through that knowing it was my fault. Lila snapped her fingers. "Hello? Don't make me read your mind." I looked at her shaking my head. "I'm sorry, I just thought-" Lila cut me off. "Why haven't you tried contacting her?" I sighed "I'm- I don't know I don't

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