Princess Willow.

1030 Words
Willow sat sadly by the window in her pink coloured room, with a book at her feet. She has nothing else to do except drown her sorrow in the words of the pages of the book and follow the author through the journey of writing. There was nothing to do, since she wasn't allowed out of the palace. How she wished she was outside in the sun, letting sunlight into her body and the wind trashing her wildly. She taught about the many things she could do on a bright day, maybe ride a horse around with friends or go swim in the river. How she wished her father wasn't so over protective and silly. She's been in her room almost all her life and she's 21 for goodness sake. She didn't have real friends except the imaginary friend she made up in her head, Amir. It had always been her and Amir her imaginary friend. Her days has always been series of continuous repetition. She could tell what the maids were going to say or what her father was going to say, it was always the same thing, it never changed. She'd wake up in the morning and have her bath and waited patiently for a maid to come into her room. The maids would say.. "Good morning princess Willow. The kind summons you for breakfast" Then she'd nod and go downstairs to meet her dad in the dining room.. just the two of them to breakfast except if her father was having visitors, which was extremely rare, she liked it when they had guests, it somehow lightens the morning. But mostly, breakfast would be all.. ... she walks into the dining room and takes a sit. "Good morning father" she'd say. "Good morning. I believe you feel well?" her dad, Gaston the king would reply and ask. "Yes father" she'd reply. And the rest of the morning would be followed by spoons and forks and plates clapping against each other. She was in the tiniest way intimate with her. She'd read about kings who connect with their daughters but it was so for king Gaston of Norlandia. Her father had never once hugged her and give her a forehead kiss or tell her stories. She didn't have a mom and no one told her why..... maybe she's dead. After she was done, she'd stand up and bow down to her dad and leave the dining room. She'd go straight to her lesson room. It was a special room specially for her education. It was reserved for her learning and princess trainings. Her teacher would be there already waiting for her. Then her lesson would begin. She'd spend hours learning until it was lunch time. Class over. Lunch was fair enough..... better than breakfast. She has her lunches with the duchesses of Norlandia. It was mostly talking about what a big girl she was now. And other lady stuffs. It would have been pleasant but those ladies were a lot older than she was. But it was preferred to a dead silent breakfast with her father. After lunch, she was back in her lonely, nauseating room. Sleeping in that room for as long as she can remember with no change of deco had made it extremely nauseating and she always wished she had other choice. There was one time she snuck out of her room after lunch and went to the palace garden, it was a splendid and horrible experience at the same time. It was splendid because she got to run around in the garden for the first time but it was horrible because she was caught by the guards and brought to the king. That was the first ever time she was slapped in her life. How she hates her father and her life... at the same time. She'd spend the rest of her evening in her pink room. She hates pink. She despise pink. She dislikes pink. But no one knows because no one cares except her imaginary Amir. She didn't feel like a princess at all. "Hey buddy what are looking at?" Amir asked curiously in her head. " Nothing important. Just like always". "You wanna go horse riding with me? " Amir asked. "Yeah why not?". Willow answered. Willow lay back slowly and let her imagination take the best of her. She closed her eyes and journeyed into a large field with her imaginary Amir beside her. Amir was what he named him, it felt so right. The field was so large and full of life. Butterflies, bees, flowers, grasses, sand, trees, she imagined how nice the smell would be. She and Amir mounted a horse and off they went, riding gracefully among trees, taking turns to overtake each other. They let the wind direct them. Willow's lucsious brown silky hair full hair flew around wildly around her face and into the air. She let them run wild. Her fair shiny skin glittered in the sun. Her chest lifted up and down making her last bits juggle. She was a beautiful site to behold. She looked over at Amir. Willow had made him specially to her taste. She read a lot of books about princes and she made Amir to her desire. Amir was a muscularly built young man with rock hard body. He was sinfully hot and sexy. His hair was deep sand brown and bouncy. It was slightly long and it spread roughly over his neck. If it were to be someone else, the hair would have made him look bad but for Amir it pleasant, looking at the hair would make you want to bury your hands in it. Amir had a long built neck with manly sexy muscles standing out. His skin, muddy gold. His skin always shone brightly and it could almost be used as a mirror, it was soft and plain. His beautiful skin stretched over his chest and tummy packs. He had a strong, athletic tummy with packs. Amir had long straight legs that always towered Willow. Amir was everything princess Willow wanted and hoped for. Princess Willow slept off imagining and dreaming about her and Amir.
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